The list of music Ant has shit on always makes me laugh. Can anyone remember them all?

12  2013-10-28 by alexgough12

Lou Reed Steven Tyler The Doors The entire jazz genre The entire blues genre


He still has better musical taste and knowledge than Jim.

It's hard to call Ant's views toward music as "taste". He seems to have a refined palate because he can carry a note in karaoke and his brother is in a cover band, but outside of Alice in Chains and Blue Oyster Cult he hates everything. It makes sense, most music is expressive of some type of emotion, which Ant is detached from, and most music is reflective of some type of people or culture, which Ant seems to hate all of.

And he loves ELO



Radiohead(kinda), Fugazi, Grateful Dead, Phish.

The Earl call today was funny, but I was annoyed by Opie trying to get him to say what Lou Reed songs he likes and why he likes him. There's at least one instance a week where Opie claims to love or go deep with a different band, and if anyone asked him a single follow up question like that he'd sound just like Earl did.

Oh you mean that like that hot new band MGMT?

Aka only Opie's go to music reference that came out after 1994

"i LOVE the MGMT!"

Retarded fucking bit - indeed

I was annoyed by Opie trying to get him to say what Lou Reed songs he likes and why he likes him.

That whoooshing sound was the bit going way over your head.

Springsteen is up there as well. Woaaah, woaaah, woooaaah Sandy, Jersey, Sandy.

Bob Dylan, Pearl Jam immediately come to mind.

He only hates Pearl Jam because Eddie Vedder is an anti gun douche

I dunno' he makes fun of Eddie Vedder's singing more than his politics.


I only heard that song once, but the chorus is burned into my brain.

I'm sure we'd have a fine romance.

There is little in the world he doesnt hate

Led Zeppelin for both Ant and Jimmy.

He mostly hates singers who don't actually sing. Guys like Vedder and Dylan with their 'disaffected' voices.


Disaffected means resentful.

Anthony said disaffected.

I know, Anton, that you're as human as the rest of us, if not more so.

No one has mentioned the obvious- Hip Hop / Those People Music

He likes Trinidad James, Drake and NWA

Everything. He's a stupid hipster who only likes karaoke songs ironically.

What music does he even enjoy?

Alice in Chains and Rotgut.

And don't forget about Duran Duran, that faggot.

we forget he's in a band called rotgut, probably the worst name for a band ever.

Worse than Az Iz?


He just listens to those Seinfeld beeps and bops on a loop.


He HATES Jethro Tull...

I kinda like Lou Reed/Velvet Underground but Ant's hatred was great today.

Earl? Earl, are you there? Earl?

Yeah, A lot of these bands he shits on, I still like them. It's just too funny to hear such hatred over them.

Almost like he's doing it for entertainment...

You don't say.

He's such a fucking close minded jerk off when it comes to music. For someone who supposedly has some musical talent, he really sounds like an idiot. Wonder if he even realizes the completely obvious fact that were it not for jazz and blues, rock music as we know it today wouldn't exist.

Same thing with Jimmy, actually. He's going to shit all over Lou Reed after saying that the new Sabbath is an amazing album and Ozzie still sounds great live. I'm a huge Sabbath fan and I still know that both points are utter bullshit. Fuck both of them when it comes to music. At least Opie has an open mind about that shit.

I saw Ozzie live this Summer. He did sound great.

I saw them too. Band sounded amazing and Ozzy sounded pretty good for the most part. He was pretty off though on the new stuff but he was nailing their old stuff flawlessly.

Something I've noticed recently is that when it comes to music they are the embodiment of "Twitter Guy Voice".

For example, someone calls in and says, "Yeah I really liked Lou Reed. Listen to this live version of _____." So they play it and without hesitation they go, "OH GOD! THIS IS TERRIBLE!"

They're complete hypocrites.

Reminder that black sabbath is awful and irrelevant.

Watch the video from their new album. It is indescribably bad


Ant hates anything pretentious, which is hilarious because I can relate. I remember in college when I used to pretend to like the Mars Volta. Ugh, douche chills.

These days I'm in the Doug Stanhope boat when it comes to music. Any time someone asks what he listens to he says he doesn't listen to music because no matter what you say someone will always say it sucks or silently judge you for your bad taste.

You used to pretend to listen to the mars Volta?

Douche chills is right.

Ant is one hateful motherfucker when it comes to music, but Lou Reed does suck.

Almost like he's doing it for entertainment...

I only heard that song once, but the chorus is burned into my brain.

I know, Anton, that you're as human as the rest of us, if not more so.

I'm sure we'd have a fine romance.