"nothing worse than the fake sexy voice."

20  2013-10-25 by thefirebuilds

You're right Opie, but your ass doesn't have to listen to those commercials 10x a day. At least I'm not the only one that suffers having to hear those stupid adam and eve commercials.


No commercial will ever rival:



Fuck you, Sunsetter Retractable Awnings. Fuck you. You earned a lifelong nevercustomer from that commercial.

what, you don't want a vinyl tarp hanging off your house in order to remind you of your second mobile home? Who buys that ugly shit.

Big Lou, because he's only on mobile home #1.

Big Lou's diabetes will kill him before home #2

Aaaaarg Big Lou can go have his foot amputated because of his diabetes. Screw you Big Lou.

That commercial assumes that all old people are fucking stupid. I hate it.

And while we're at it, has anyone seen that new Audi diesel commercial, where the woman is about to fill up her car with diesel and everyone is running to stop her?

A. Are you saying women are too stupid to operate a fucking car?



Whoa, Fez. Whoa.


I used to ride into work with my dad, and he just looked at the radio one day and snapped, "Will you just tell them about the fucking discount, Harry". good bonding moment with dear ole dad.

keeps it 20 degrees cooler....

Sirius ad breaks - where the American dream goes to die a sad and lonely death.

FFFFEELLAS....ugh. I can't fucking take it.

I change my channel at light speed when I hear that infuriating voice.

Glad I'm not the only one. The Adam and Eve girl sounds constipated, not sexy. I find myself wondering "Who the fuck talks like that, and who told you it was sexy?"

O&A commercial breaks make want to stab people.

she sounds like someone's sexy grandma.

I listen on the mobile app and time shift back an hour... The mobile app is real good at skipping commercials!!

Every commercial they have blows.

Adam & Eve is cringeworthy.

All the scare-tactic, give me your money and we'll save yours from when Obama personally comes to your house, rapes your family, and takes it all himself to fund his 3rd term and take away your guns while creating another economic downturn commercials are horrendous.


You know what makes me not want to use your product? Hearing someone do a live read of your commercial 10 times per show.

"Hi, I'm Neal CUvUto"

And why am I meant to hate Steven Singer? I've never quite got that.

that bob the banker one really rivals the sunsetter one for me.

You hate Steven Singer because your girl sees the nice jewelry that her friends dude bought for HIS girlfriend. Now your girl needs something just as nice or nicer to show off back.

Any jeweler that doesn't sell cubic zirconia is a fuckass

The stock market meltdown and Obama 2016 ones are particularly insidious.



"enter radio code doll for some sexy we can't even mention it on the radio."

er, this is the show where they talk about giving hysterectomies with a melon baller.

"enter raido code dull, D-O-L-L dull"

They should at least make it sound like she is saying Doll...



Close, a van loaded with candy

And the 10 free gifts? Probably the same shit they were when I used a parent's card when I was underage to buy from them - a 6.5 hour DVD with TEN scenes on it...

9 scenes and a Cambodian vibrator that'll explode in your asshole

The worst "fake sexy voice" is the one that introduces Jimmy's Wednesday show.

"Jiiim Norton, is a moderately successful" whatever

Wasn't that Troy's girl?

Victim of the modern age, poor, poor girl.

No way, was it?

Nah, that was Monica, who used to be the phone screener for Special Delivery.

its the way her Ss come out that drives me insane. They almost come through like radio static.

If you say the word "Doll" in such a retarded manner that you need to spell it afterwards you are not the girl for the job.


the direction on this had to be excruciating:


this bitch should do ads for a CPAP device.

The worst part is that she thinks it was great.

This is what happens when you let marketing people make too many decisions. They are soulless, uncreative trolls, and I am sure they think this is what "sexy" sounds like.

I'm glad they finally re-recorded those commercials at least. The S's made me crazy. "FELLASSSS, are you ready to SSSSPICE thingSSS up in the bedroom?"


Some motorcycle oil. I'm blanking on the name... See, advertising works!

geico insurance? Oh wait, it was like fuel injector cleaner? The voice sounded like oswald from drew carry show.

I donno, call them and ask for Big Lou. He's been divorced.

"Big Lou? He's just like you. Except he's only on number two."

which reminds me, I'm going to go take some citrucil and drop a big lou.

                                         much with
                                                           quite revving
                                             element of vroom
                                         quite repeated
                         wow so much like


fucking Italians


Ashley Madison

It's just Lunch


and now, misstravel.com

DAE that listens to O&A pay for sex?

Whatsyourprice, Seekingarrangements, and Misstravel are all literally escort services. I'm surprised they can get away with advertising for them

can you explain the business model? The women there are escorts or is it more like a craigslist site for "independent contractors?"

It's like the Skymall catalog, but with hookers instead of raptors. You buy "dates" with the women that they have working for them.

I've never been inspired enough to investigate, my gut told me it was insidious.

Everyone that listens to O&A is misogynistic so I assume we dont pay to be around women

Holy shit, misstravel? Guy at my work quit here to go work on that website. My understanding is the guy who runs it is absolute scum.

Also, it's not exactly an escort service, it's a "hey everyday girl, want to be treated like an escort?" service.

They're all getting into that carrot dating shit too.

"You may be a sufferer of Wet Age Related Macular Degeneration, or WetAMD." God I hated that damned commercial. Way to hit your target demo advertisers!

Thanks for that. I forgot about all those. The identity theft one... Omg.

I lost 51 pounds without even trying!

better than DEAR SANTA DUDE!

They need to bring back Identity Guard.


Cha de bugre!

Carbonite.com, Carbonite.com, that's Carbonite.com.


It's like the Skymall catalog, but with hookers instead of raptors. You buy "dates" with the women that they have working for them.

Close, a van loaded with candy