I'm looking for a clip with Jim Jeffries where he jokes about 911 and anthony and opie get all butthurt.

23  2013-10-17 by bouras


I can't find the clip and don't remember what year exactly, but I believe he was in on 9/11 one year and as they watched footage of one of the towers collapsing (MSNBC was replaying it in real time) Jim said something like "do Americans ever watch the footage in reverse so there's a happy ending?" Then, cringe induced silence.

That's it. It was funny to hear them be offended by a joke.

Ill check the archive for that clip when I get home.

Kinda makes you sound like you oversold their reaction though.

Jeffries had a golden line, butthurt is the right word to use when you host a comedy radio show and your reaction to a joke is silence. Sounds butthurt to me

That's actually pretty funny, and not that offensive compared to the shit they've all cracked jokes about throughout their careers. Not to mention, the Hulk Hogan smashing the twin towers pic they all find so funny (as do I).


Cue "What baaabies!!" line from Jimmy.

I think that was one of his more recent appearances, but I can't be sure.

I love the O&A show, and the majority of its guests. But Jim is in a different league, the guy reminds me of a happier version of Bill Hicks. I look forward to the times Jim, Bill Burr or Doug Stanhope visit, as they are all fantastic comics.

So fuck O&A in this instance, Jim knows how far to push things, and doesn't deserve a cringey silence.

I don't see the big deal, they kiss Gilbert Gottfried's ass, he started making 9/11 jokes as the buildings were collapsing.

You would be happy too if you knew that big fat insurance cheque was coming to you. #JEWSDID911

i would like to hear that too.After all ,comedians should be allowed to crack jokes about anything,according to O&A.

It has to be the Sept 11, 2009 show...I haven't gone back and listened to it yet, but I went over the rundown for that day. Jim Jeffries is there and although his specific joke isn't mentioned in the rundown, the caller's jokes toward the end of the show were suggestive of something JJ said that stimulated many callers joking that JJ was being pro-terrorist.

Haha, I wanna hear this one as well. Do you know what day it was?

September 12, 2001

I'm sorry I didn't get that, could you say it again...?

Septem.. WE HEARD YOU!

Is that the day they handed out all of the medals to the base-jumpers?


It seemed rather obvious to me they were doing a bit, playing up the reaction to mess around with jeffries.