Can someone pretty please dirext me to Lil Jimmy's first few appearences on O&A?

6  2013-10-17 by [deleted]


is that from the oboe n amfernee shoe

No not that one , the other one

I loved Jimmy's debut on the show. I think he was with Dice and kind of sounded like he was in a bad mood. Looking back, it's so obvious to me how he single handedly changed the whole dynamic of the show for the better. I love the guys but pre-Jimmy...They were kind of hacky.

Jimmy brought the self-deprecating humor which is now a huge part of the show.

You'll have to search around a bit, but they've got almost all the old shows archived.

Nice thanks

You sure its spelled right ? I got a " Webpage not available"


It was a accident but it does sound like something jimmy would say when playing a character

while we're at it how many have heard the fight between Opie and Jimmy that nearly ended his involvement on the show? That was pretty early on.