Shatner and his shit song.

6  2013-10-15 by pekingoose


If Shatner wasn't Shatner, they would be shitting all over this ridiculous song.

Oh my god that was bad. I wish I could just see the boys staring at each other while it played.

Missed a good bit of that interview today, were they actually playing this while he was in studio? .... and not shitting on it? I would be very disappointed were that the case.

That song was just objectively terrible. I think Shatner was sitting just outside the studio at the time, so maybe that's why they weren't shitting on it.

These guys go completely soft every time they are face to face with whatever celebrity. Anthony saying he loves the Nickelback songs when he hates 99% of everything else? OH EM GEE.

they gotta know what they're doing with this. it's too bad to be accidental.

I liked it.