E-Rock on Nopie Days

15  2013-10-15 by opiesucks


Lamar's is bigga

If you cover his head, it's Homer Simpson coughing while smoking a cigar

For anyone not so well informed: yes, that is really Erock.

I want to upvote, but both hands are holding in the vomit.

I saw the thumbnail and for some reason still clicked.


This is a dick move(ing rapidly up and down)

Nice work.


Where the fuck is the NSFW tag?

This is an OnA subreddit. It's basically assumed.

See.. cause Erock.

Jesus fuck, NSFW tag this. I got no problem with fat guy dick, but my co workers probably do.

Get back to work

they wouldnt have a problem with your Rape_Stink name?


Yeah, a single small line of text is not quite as noticeable when walking by a cubicle as a 300lb fatty shaking his dick on the screen you willfully thick motherfucker.


based on the thumbnail, what did you think it was?

You're on reddit at work. You assume all the risk.