"Every second is funny and philosophically spotless." This part of the show intro bugs me every time I hear it - surely he's not talking about O&A..

0  2013-10-14 by [deleted]

I can think of a lot of ways to describe the show and "philosophically spotless" is not one of them.

edit: well you cunts, for all your downvoting, he wasn't talking about the show, so nanananabooboo.


Ooooohhh, literal DinosaurForest

Alright, I'm a dick.. But he sounds pretty serious and I never heard the original.

It's okay, we know you're a good boy.

Here's where they took the audio from.

fucking hate you


That is how Penn plays it. He is a magician and a carnival barker. If he has only one skill, it is making people believe he is serious when he is misleading someone.

He has two skills. That, and making delicious ice cream.

It's from a segment where Penn is talking about seeing The Book of Mormon musical. 2-3 years ago maybe. He obviously loved the show.

ok, so then why are all these morons downvoting me? he wasn't even talking about da show

Are you fucking kidding me dude?

Oh they are philosophically spotless? Which part? Jimmy talking about sports and technology or Ant talking about eugenics?

It's a joke you horses ass.

god damn it

its ok dude, i dont like parts of the intro either. specifically when they refer to you know who as "the destroyer" and the very end when you know who says "you guys having a good time or what?" followed by douchy cheers. thanks but not thanks.

I almost can't believe you took that line literally.

alright, I suck