
14  2013-10-14 by Theropissed

At least at start it's only jimmy and Sam.



Surprisingly, Morning Jam shows are usually pretty good.

I agree. I have to say that I've enjoyed these shows more than the ones with Jim and Anthony, with Opie missing. Those shows always seem to derail into long rants from Anthony about blacks and politics, and it becomes boring and stupid quickly.

I do find it odd though that they book fairly good guests on days O&A aren't there, for whatever reason. It's seems to happen now and then, and feels very unproffessional.


Oh I like that!

Jim Florentine saves the day!

Florentine was great today. I'm glad he actually had some time to speak, unlike when DLR was on.

Has he commented on Robin Quiver's health?

Not that I heard but I could have missed it.

Florentine really needs his own show on the O&A channel

If he does, I hope its not as much hate mongering as his podcast.


I don't agree with about half of Florentine's rants, which is part of the reason why it's so fun to listen to.

No matter how bad he gets, he's no where near as vile and obsessively hateful as Jimmy can be sometimes.

He can go overboard at times, but any guy who calls his basement a man cave is a douche.



God damn you seem like a cunt

thats the point. Who here behaves seriously?

You should know that people on this sub are either cunty or people that insist everything is a bit on O&A's part. "I had a ham sandwich! FUCKIN BIT BY OPIE!"


Florentine is the best comedian that comes or calls in, in my opinion. Him and Colin

I don't need ocean sounds to put me to sleep. I'll listen to this show again.

Reading through your comments, it seems you hate everyone on the show. Why the fuck do you listen? Why are you here?

Not saying you should leave, just curious why you abuse yourself with entertainment that you hate so much.

Oh no, didn't mean to come across like that. Really it was only in regard to this episode and just wanted to spawn some dialogue, nothing more.

I enjoy everybody on the show, including Opie. I was merely speculating to what the people on the show think of one another backstage. For a long time they seemed to not getting along at all but now they seem to get along pretty well

Fair enough, fair enough. Now what does OP think? hehehe

How many times have you seen people bitch about a certain aspect of the show? Mainly because its funny to make jokes while your bitching about it. Obviously if I'm here and I'm listening at 6am then I like the show. I just don't like certain aspects of it.

Also, THEY'RE JOKES. Christ I bet you wonder why all the comics come on the show when they're constantly being told they suck.

Oh, that was a joke? I missed that because it wasn't funny. Threw me off a bit. See, because you aren't one of them. You aren't one of their friends, you aren't a comic, so when you trash them you just come off like a fuckwad who is trying too hard to be funny or a fuckwad that likes to abuse himself with entertainment he hates.

Ok so you don't like my humor and you think I'm a psycho who pretends to be apart of the show. Do you want anything else?

Nah, other than that you're a pretty swell guy and I enjoy your posts!

Fuck! I feel kinda bad now.

turnabout is fair play.

Tom Arnold and Jim would have an amazing show together. Sexcapades with Jim and Tom.

Great show today, the guys talking about Sam's prepubescent days had me belly laughing

Jimmy and Tom Arnold sex talk owned.

Driving to work this morning i noticed something was different but couldn't figure it out. Then i pulled in and noticed neither of them had said a word.

What was the reasoning this time?

Anthony was taking the day to get his campaign materials together to run as head of the NAACP. Opie is interviewing to replace the lead attorney for the defendant he joked about last week.

Jimmy addressed it several times in the show. They were both killed in a horrific accident.


Where does this come from?

I wasn't paying attention because I was so glad I didn't have to listen to racism rage and horrible future-Scott that I don't know. Someone is sick, the other took Columbus Day (observed) off. Probably.

I agree I love the morning jam so that's no problem, but I just love the excuses.

I read on paltalk that Opie's reason was that both his kids were sick. What I don't get about that though is doesn't Opie have a trophy wife that does absolutely nothing or perhaps is going to college or something that can actually be skipped?

Ant is "sick" => hung over

They work for four fuckin hours. Opie's wife really can't hold down the kids from 6-10 like a normal wife could do. Opie is on the line from being a really good dad to being a pussy whipped husband with probably an over dramatic wife. A single mother might need to stay home to watch her sick kids.

Why is it any of your business how they manage their personal lives, or child-care? Seriously - people take days off for all sorts of reasons. Even ones with trophy wives.


What actually happened there with Tim?

From what Opie said, Tim pulled him in to ask about the Erock thing because that would be a serious violation of FFC rules, as well as SiriusXM rules as well...probably could've voided Opie's contract.

Aside from the Erock shit, there was also the fact that Opie brought up Howard (HOO HOO) on the show and criticized him.

Oh that's right, he did. I'd be very cautious of what I was doing if I was anyone but Ant and Jim because we all know that Opie does control the flow of the show to a certain extent but such competencies are replaceable.

Don't you think Sam is just waiting for him to slip real bad next time?;) Also, I'm speculating a bit here but don't you think if Op did get fired and there was nothing tying Ant n' Jim to the crime that they would leave him behind? I think they are loyal as fuck but not that loyal that they would leave themselves.

Ant and Jim would continue on as they are, and maybe let Sam in to replace opie if that happened.

Ant kind of owes his radio career to the Opester. Italians don't drop those kind of loyalties easily.

Eh kids sick I can kinda see, especially with a new one and a young one. She probably does do stuff but two sick kids plus secretly planning a divorce takes more than one perso.

Eh kids sick I can kinda see, especially with a new one and a young one. She probably does do stuff but two sick kids plus secretly planning a divorce takes more than one perso.

double post cocksucka

get to downvote the cunt twice


If there's no Jocktober on what is likely my only day off this month....


@OpieRadio 8:13 AM

RT @mailman4133 - @OpieRadio. Where u guys at? ME: you didn't hear :(