Do you think the boys are going to get in trouble for Jocktober this year?

5  2013-10-10 by Tony_Sunshine

They've been doing this forever, and now that it's getting more attention in the form of a radio-wide disclaimer, will one of these stations go after the boys for "bullying"? Especially with all this "bullying" bullshit being the new hot topic in mainstream news.


Why would they get in trouble? It's not like it's ONA's fault these radio stations have such disgusting listeners.

And Denny, everyone knows he's behind these disgusting attacks!

Nope. Because it's the listeners who do the facebook attacks

The show is clearly inciting the attacks though. I like it better when listeners actually call into these shows and clog the lines more than the FB stuff. I feel like that's lacking this year.

You're a listener. Call in to the shows and clog the lines.

I'm on the west coast, the live show starts at 3am over here.

So get drunk and stay up late. The call will be even better if you get on air.

Yeah..but in a legal sense they haven't actually said "Hey go attack their facebooks"

Which is good enough to keep it going fellas! YEEEE-HAAAWW

I say no as well, but it was the listeners who went for conversion points in a church or whatnot too..

If they do a Jocktober on HooHoo then they will get shit.

They could just say "We'd like to do Jocktober on Howard... but he doesn't have enough new material each week to make it work"

I think the cat talk counts as jocktober hit on him.

Ya, Opie got a "talking to" by management for even mentioning him. yuck.

Did he?

... Yes

How do you know that it was for mentioning him? I think it was for the Erock thing

He specifically said it was about Howie on 10/9, the day after they talked about his cats. I'm looking for the clip... can't find it.

Don't you dare mention his pussy cats.

Or his daughter's v


They'd only get shit if they Jocktobered Howard.

Which they kind of did, and opie apparently got shit for it.

What could possibly come from it? It's not bullying when both parties involved are in their 40s lol


Child of the 80's

In trouble for what? Talking on the radio?

It's really required. Most people don't get challenged for their crafts on a daily basis. That includes the boys by the way. I love that OnA call out these other radio hacks and snark their program for a day. The fact that they see it as bullying instead of criticism proves that they are doing it wrong.

How is it bullying? They don't give out the facebook page. I'm sure most of the facebook accounts posting the vulgar pictures get banned.

They've done worse without raising an eyebrow. Makes me wonder if anyone's listening!

This year seems to be more perverse than before. I'm surprised that lil' Fezzie hasn't cried foul of the boy's actions. He does hate bullies, like Sam, after all.

that's a bit

I know.

you're right... me adding that statement really didnt change your post at all.

im an asshole today.

Me too. It may be expected in this community.

In my experience, commenters on this sub are surprisingly civil. Now, go eat dicks, both of you.


And Denny, everyone knows he's behind these disgusting attacks!

Child of the 80's