I work in radio. This was emailed to all employees nationwide.

126  2013-10-09 by [deleted]


on the "www"?


Hackers. Hmmm.

that damn ebaums world!



I cringed when I read that too

The only person I've ever heard use that terminology was my Driver Ed teacher, and he was about 70 years old.

All because of that radio scourge, Denny Falcone.

It's because he insists on working blue. Him and his Hard Drive of Potty Talk.

He's literally Hitler... Haven't you seen this pictures!?

He's even worse than Hitler, because Dennis Falcone actually exists!

Dennis "Führer" Falcone


Next time, crop the white space off of the sides and leave the image big enough so it is actually readable.

Yes, the "snipping tool" in Windows 7 is perfect for taking a screenshot of a particular area of the screen and copying it to the clipboard.

or download Snaggit - one of the most useful programs out there.

I'm an idiot...didn't see the comment below.

yes i agree a cropping to make it more readable -- try SnagIt, it's free

Yep - best program ever.

Good call, thanks. Wait.... I mean, "FUCK YOU CUNT IT'S CALLED ZOOM DO IT YOURSELF!!!"

I could read it just fine, you weak-eyed illiterate cunt.

That's because you have wall-eyes, you don't count.

Try ctrl, +; you squinty-eyed fuck.

Sorry, I'm not going to bother reading a wall of text that looks like this.

because holding down control and scrolling up is incredibly difficult, dont be such a cunt

Because it scales completely blurry and is annoying as shit to read. How about you take 5 seconds to make everyone else's life easier? Also, not everyone is using RES.

Eat feces, jerkwad.

whoa whoa whoa, take it easy on the namecalling, shitfuck.

I have to say that reply just made me laugh out loud

Stand up, bitch.

Knowing that all they were doing was posting shit pictures to facebook makes that Hackers movie way less impressive, in hindsight.

The level of inaccuracy throughout this document is astonishing.

They don't even give credit to O&A, they just blame it on "hackers." Do these idiots even know what "hacker" means?

In these modern times a hacker is somebody who can use any application besides a word processor that makes more keyboard noise than mouse noise.

Used to be any kid in high school that could use DOS, even back when that's all computers ran.

Well, back then not many people were even familiar with the term 'hacker'.

Probably much like how OA say that they dont tell everyone to raid facebook pages, they don't want to name OA as the indirect party responsible because it opens up lawyers.

Can we get a copy of the text they say to copy and paste?



It's the SAME thing?

I thought it went to some filter settings.


Thanks for answering though

Wouldn't that be hilarious if and when the station takes it down, a pest brings up their own copy of the facebook page?

They're taking all the fun out of it.

Time to do Jocktober In July!

lol at "www" & "hackers". Also, TheOtherMLK, is that a Zune application on your toolbar?!

Guilty as charged. 15 bucks a month for unlimited music... can't beat it, legally.

Who the fuck can read this??

I love how they don't credit the source

that is awesome, pass it on to the bbboys

They've mentioned it on the air already.

no not until today as far as i know

They discussed it yesterday or the day before briefly. They didn't go over it like they did today though

Hackers...Really people?

I love the part about finding someone who's comfortable deleting the content after the attack.

I would accept that job in a heartbeat. Getting paid to laugh at offensive shit? Sign me up!

ill take credit for tweeting this to Gregg and Sam


How long until some one completely shuts the boys down from doing this? I am suprised every year they allow this to go on. Happy, but surprised. Although it has seemed to lose some steam this year. Also it means more Sam which sucks.

They never said to post rude things on their pages.

Radio wars are as old as radio.

They've mentioned it on the air already.