So what was the garden hose picture on 102's FB page?

26  2013-10-08 by gonzo2924

Not sure if I really want to know curiosity is getting to me.


LOL, jesus, we are brutal

Reminds me of this.

How is that "so" offensive?

cuz it seyd nigger dduuh

It's probably just hard to explain what's going on in the picture and make it sound funny.

Got on to ask the same thing, thanks

Hahahaha wonderful.

The best part is that you can tell that isn't even remotely the original context of the picture. Just completely pointless racism (which is the best kind of course).

We think that the Internet should be used for good and not evil, and because of that, we do not condone any activity that hijacks our fans’ social media experience with graphic images, profanity and vulgarity. We want to thank all of you for being loyal Q102 listeners and for following us on Facebook. Please, if you see something that doesn't fit with the character of our station, don't click on it.

Never thought I'd see a Phan in the O&A sub.
