Erock's number getting out

0  2013-10-08 by jakeskagg

On Friday's show Erock's personal cell phone number went out over the air. They were definitely joking about it, but after listening to all of today's show there was no reference to it at all. Looks like an HR/legal issue, hopefully nothing crazy happens to anybody.


Ant referenced it when they were listening to Tommy Tutone.

Also there were a series of relevant rejoiners. The aforementioned Tommy Tutone, "Call Me" by Blondie...


When the hell did this happen?

4 Bobos downvoted this

On Friday's show Erock's personal cell phone number went out over the air.

Was about to downvote then I read this in chip's "sweet" voice.

"erock comment?" ............................................

That was pretty much it on erocks part. They are playing it up for the air, I'm sure shit went on off air and now they are just milking it, but that's understandable.

Anyone call ir text him?


He's pissed. It won't come to legal issues, but Eric now has leverage over Opie that had never existed. Erock's going to milk this. He'll start coming in late, minimum production, etc, that's for sure.


He'll start coming in late, minimum production, etc,

So what your trying to say is nothing is going to change?

Erock is a baby your number...unless you're a baby.

Pay me 100k a year to flip a switch and I gladly will