Sam not getting EW Radio job?

3  2013-10-04 by howie42

They brought up on the show today that Sam didn't the EW job because his voice was so bad. Was this the first time they mentioned this? If not can someone post when they talked about it?


They've mentioned it a few times. It's not that his voice was bad, it's more that it doesn't match what they wanted... but he doesn't really have the stereotypical radio voice, but then again neither do many jocks these days.

I've heard that they wanted a hamburger, and Sam was more of a pizza.



Chicken fingers. The joke is chicken fingers.

A few shows ago they were playing the guys who were actually on the show because the EW guys thought that O and A had it out for them... and they didn't sound much better than Sam.

haha musta missed that. I know they always throw Sam some shit about him never making it because of his voice.

Except for when he laughs, Sam sounds like a normal dude. The EW guys sounded overwhelmingly flamboyantly camp gay. Maybe they only wanted women and the "gay voice" guys on EW Radio.

I don't remember the date, but back when EW was announced to be taking over the Martha studio, it was brought up on the show that Sam tried out for an on air talent position and one of the reasons they rejected him was because of his voice. I'd look at shows in early May, it was sometime around then.

