When the biggest big shot O&A guests collide...

8  2013-10-03 by bigplansisay


That's the first time I've ever seen The Brady Bunch, it stinks and I don't like it.

How old are you? You're clearly not a child of the 80's if you've never seen the Brady Bunch.

Plenty old enough, fo' sure, just not American or been to America.

Obviously aware of the title as a cultural reference, just never seen it. There's lots like that, like being aware of the Sanford theme or Archie Bunker or Good Times as concepts, but not having seen the actual shows.

People outside the US can usually pick-up enough second hand references from other film or TV shows that were later exported to know what's being talked about on the show. Never seen Merv Griffin but still laugh when Kramer assembles the old set.

All you had to say was you were non American! I can dig it. Over here in the states you couldn't avoid the Brady Bunch. It was always playing on repeats at some time of day.

Brady Bunch is pretty bad but no where near this bad. This is just horrible. What I like about it is how drunk Paul clearly is and how straight Robert Reed clearly isn't.

Paul and Barry Share the stage at 1:25.

I like how O@A are big fans of C listers hasbeanz and zilches.

That's actually what I love about the show. Colin is right that their interviews with current, relevant celebrities are pretty out of character with the rest of the show. But get a Paul Anka or a Joe Piscopo in there and it's excellent radio.

Paul Williams is the best. Having grown up with him on TV all the time, hearing the behind the scenes stories is awesome.

Paul Williams may not be relevant, but he's a legend. Ditto with James Caan.
