Jocktober made the news in Atlanta.

39  2013-10-02 by [deleted]


The article was actually pretty fair. They got off pretty light really. I'm guessing most stations prepare for this now.

Yeah, it was relatively unbiased compared to most articles about O&A. The one part that made me cringe is where it says the show is for "guys who like strip clubs, beer and video games." Blecch.

Guys who like strip clubs, beer and video games trannies, Candy Crush, and 16 year olds.

Yeah, O&A listeners are a bunch of regular Joes.

Punch in, turn on O&A, drink my container of coffee. Ah, but what the hell do I know?

The kind of guys who listen down in the mancave.

Well they're not wrong

No, but it's also kind of an over-simplified cliche version of reality. They have a lot of listeners and they're not all regular joe.

So they have an accurate view of o and a listeners.


Which one of those don't you like?

That got you more than the. I would post it but there is cursing

Actually the least biased article mentioning the show I've ever read. Even put in funny lines. Good on him.


Naturally, the first comment is a hole:

Rodney, why is this important to share with your readers? The things they said about Cindy were disgusting, what would your reaction be if that was your wife, sister or mother? Do you find it entertaining? Are you a hater like them? As an Asian American I would think you would be more sensitive and perhaps have an ounce of empathy. You are as sad and pathetic as those two clowns.

That busybody cunt should stop posting on comments sections and go back to causing car accidents in traffic.


Love his eventual response:

If this were my family member, I'd tell them to flick it off. It's just stupid entertainers trying to entertain. You're a public figure. You take it. It's part of the scenery. I've been insulted in more ways than one myself. As for the YouTube page, I made the correction. Thanks!

That commentator was me.

Favorite comments from the article.

Posted by MLYAtlanta at 3:32 p.m. Oct. 2, 2013 Rodney, why is this important to share with your readers? The things they said about Cindy were disgusting, what would your reaction be if that was your wife, sister or mother? Do you find it entertaining? Are you a hater like them? As an Asian American I would think you would be more sensitive and perhaps have an ounce of empathy. You are as sad and pathetic as those two clowns.


Posted by DennisFalkone at 8:48 p.m. Oct. 2, 2013 These guys do work blue, but all the biggest radio shock jocks will tell you- it doesn't matter if they love you or hate you, as long as they talk about you. It's all about creating the buzz, and the hive is buzzing down in Atlanta today. It's all Opie and Anthony, Sirius 206 and XM 103!


Unless you can jizz in your sweat pants like Jimmy.

This guy is decent. Here's what he said in the comments when some cunt pulled the "but what if that was your MOM they were making fun of" line...

If this were my family member, I'd tell them to flick it off. It's just stupid entertainers trying to entertain. You're a public figure. You take it. It's part of the scenery. I've been insulted in more ways than one myself.

That's nothing if not fair.

Edit: Yeah, the guy follows Opie, CQ, Louis, Anthony Bourdain, and some other similar accounts on Twitter. He gets it.

I see they mentioned the zucchini but not the cucumber. Line of the day

*made a blog

Wow, that was terribly written. And this happened, and this happened, and this happened.

I love middle aged yentas that have nothing better to do than complain on the comment section of a blog.


A grammer mistake in the third sentence. Way to go. FTFY


Nice try, shitdick.

If any of ya'll are on twitter, could you hit up Sam and ask him to check out the regular guys in atlanta? I would fucking kill to see those hacks get the jocktober treatment. They try to be so "edgy" and they fail miserably so it would be a nice departure from the usual g rated morning zoo shit they tend to focus on.

Just take one look at this fucking guy

He could very well be a Norton

How about you do that, with some recorded audio, cuntface?

ha! do what?

1) Record audio 2) Email Sam or Travis the audio

3), cuntface