I'm loving the O&A and R&F crossover lately

37  2013-10-02 by Tony_Sunshine

The AFRO days were so great, Bennington in a genius



Ron & Anthony show would be brilliant. Ron would actually be smart enough to have comebacks to Anthony's right-wing rants, but he would do it in such a way that it wouldn't just turn into some radio version of some shit cable news politics argument show.

I almost think politics would rarely come up if this show happened. Ant goes to politics when its a slow show. Ron can make a convo with a wall interesting so there would be endless topics

Yeah I listened to the Sarah Michelle Geller interview too.

By far. Apparently the only host who has comprehension of anything past a headline.

Most talented guy period. His stories he makes up are second to none

Anyone know a good GTAJ-like source for R&F? I never get to catch it when it airs and XM on demand is garbage.


Thank you, I appreciate it greatly.

Absolutely. Fez is driving me insane hearing him consistently say that he "stood up to a bully" - being Sam Roberts the bully... haha Fez is a lunatic!

a lunatic? how offensive

needs more FART POSSE shows.

Fez, Anthony, Ron, Than, Pat Duffy, Opie, Steve C, Sam, and Earl

I'm no fan of Ron and Fez, but I can agree that Ron is a skilled interviewer and radio personality....

BUT... How the hell did Fez ever get top billing on that show? From the few times I've listened in the past few years he sounds NO more important than an intern.

You have to go back to before they were in DC to understand it. Fez USED TO BE absolutely ruthless. Seems to be a direct correlation between the more Fez denies he's gay the less pc and sensitive he is.

Personally, I really dig the Ron, Classic & Peppy Hamburger Show.

I've been listening on and off to R & F for the last few years but I never heard about Fez's ruthlessness. Do you have a link on some clips?

it'd be cool if they bled into each other and Sam Primetime Roberts didn't get his rinky dink show

he only got it cause the boys dont want to go until 11

More so due to their lack of planning..sometimes we get them until 10:45. if they didn't have that hour of wiggle room the computer would shut them off. Plus how else would we have been graced with the beautiful primetime Sam Roberts. The best damn mixed race, marrying out of his league, terrible voice having comic mastermind on the platform. (Seriously though.. he has been on his Fucking game.. I never disliked him but he is really winning me over as days go by... Bravo Sam Roberts)

Sam Roberts, Broadcast Professional.

World renowned professional broadcaster, critically acclaimed internet personality and all around supreme entertainer, Sam Roberts.

There's also set up that is done in the studio between the shows. Sam sometimes addresses the Ron and fez interns in there working.

Sam "Daytime" Roberts

By far. Apparently the only host who has comprehension of anything past a headline.

Ron & Anthony show would be brilliant. Ron would actually be smart enough to have comebacks to Anthony's right-wing rants, but he would do it in such a way that it wouldn't just turn into some radio version of some shit cable news politics argument show.

Most talented guy period. His stories he makes up are second to none