Fez featured on today's Jocktober, he later blames Sam.

48  2013-10-01 by stevenknight


It's time for Ronnie B to cut the dead weight from the show.



god i miss that Fez

This is why it sucks that I only got SiriusXM two years ago. Fez wouldn't be a main host with such a long career if there wasn't a time when he was great. It just seems that when I listen now, he's a complete mute. Actually, he just seems more like a bit that's gone on for too long. Just like Uncle Paul only shows up when young'uns are mentioned, Fez only speaks up when gay topics or stereotypical lib-rage topics are mentioned. He's everything that the O&A Channel isn't.

The first time I listened to Ron and Fez was when he was out because his dad died. So I missed it too. Baby Hitler, etc videos are great though.

You missed a helluva show.

Yea right, my favorite part of the show is when he says something crazy and throws Ronnie B for a spin. Ronnie ripping on him is amazing

Ron is truly a shit-stirrer extraordinaire.

Fez.... you sound fucking crazy, the proceeds to ripping him to shit. I cant get enough of it. Today when he said well Fez hasnt said a word all day whats bothering you. I cant help it I die everytime

Curious to hear tomorrow why Sam decided not to steam into R&F and bury that cawk-aroach.

Of course the mechanics of "doing the bit" dictate that chapter III of the back-n-forth has to occur live on O&A tomorrow cos that's the etiquette. Also your man Bennington can be unpredictable, he's allowed to torment Fez daily, but gets catholic guilt-stricken when anyone else tries similar, so Sambo could have ended-up having to go toe-to-toe with an angry Ron which he probably would prefer to avoid.

(Instead poor Hicks had to take the brunt of it, which is a fucking outrage. Poor fucker is doing three jobs for cigarette money).

... but today has to go down as definitely an opportunity squandered for people with ears. If young Sammy was feeling frisky he could easily have wound-up and slung that nutcase right over the edge, all tears, puke and burst stents, and we'd finally be done with that selfish mental patient once and for all.

It is amazing how they've managed to turn semi-scripted office squabbles into hours of radio for their channel.

Great post

Oh Sam is a BULLY! Hasn't he done enough damage???? hahaha

Fez vs Sam?...no winners here.



I had to read that out loud to understand it.


Every day is a new outrage, and a new fake cause for him to get behind momentarily... Ron handles it brilliantly every time. I love today when Fez said he "stood his ground" against Sam (I absolutely thought about Stand your ground in Florida), and Shelby comes back with "Fez is the George Zimmerman of gay people" (or whatever the quote was)! That was golden.

Fez is an abyss of paranoia and his complete lack of self-awareness is kind of disturbing. It's seriously weirding me out. But this... "bit" is so out there it has to be a work, but I know it's not.

Ron seemed genuinely mad at Fez today.

I hope Sam fucks Fez in the ass...that'll show him

Fuck him 'til he's humbled.

I love fez but the idea of him not being there and his money goes to production, staff, And the Ron, Pepper, Shelby and Eastside Dave show? Cmon let's go

I have a feeling that fez is never going anywhere.

The Ron and Fez show is so weird to me. I never listen, but the bits I do hear are so fucking bizarre and just abnormal. I don't know what is real and what is fake.

Is there audio is Ron yelling at Pepper during the show? i heard it happened.

It did happen. Oof, it was really uncomfortable. Someone actually called in and said "Ron, you're obviously mad at Fez and taking it out on Pepper" and he vehemently denied it.

Wow, I didn't know "crazy" needed a trigger warning. Pfft.

get rid of Fez and there are no bits like this

Just much better ones made by people with talent that are now being paid.

I loved that Fez only confronted Sam, exactly like Sam said during yesterday's show when he said Fez will only confront him, because he refuses to confront Opie. On R&F today, Fez said he heard Opie say on the show today that it was done, so he says, that's it... Fez is a big fat pussy, and knows Opie would destroy him.

On another note, I think O&A should have Ronny B come in for a guest spot during a Jocktober bit. I love hearing Ron with O&A, because he is a radio genius, and you really hear him shine when he's with other guys that contribute and know how to run a show. O&A always talk about how much they love Ron - give him some relief!

I love when O and A replay Ron and Fez bits. It's so obvious how highly they hold the Alpha male of the station, Ron Bennington.