Who's ready for a political Ant rant?

0  2013-10-01 by rottengymshorts

Just me? Okay, cool.

Also what happens to the FCC?


Opie and Ranthony.

Tsss good one.

Fuck yeah chip-pah.

Thermite paint production has increased apparently.Your government is up to something!


I hope he's actually informed or else it's gonna be cringeworthy.

Well, he falsely claimed Congress exempt themselves from Obamacare and other ACA provisions. Other than that, not much.

You're really setting yourself up to fail.

Furloughing 98% of their workforce. Curse on Terrestial radio cawksuckas.

I'm just going replace Anthony's voice with the ropers theme.

Wow. Now gov't employees will know what it's like for the rest of us, with jobs that sometimes run out of money.

Hope he throws a couple back before the show for extra vitriol.

It wasn't as bad as I expected it to be.

So far 20+ min of nonsense.

Well robbery, drugs, rape, and murder are all legal now that the Gubbment is shut down, but you're still not allowed to say naughty words on the air. Think of the chillrens.


Fuck yeah chip-pah.