Am I mis-hearing the show, or . . .

0  2013-09-27 by gsbird1065

. . . does everyone on the O&A staff hate everyone else on the O&A staff?

It's a serious question. It seems like they're all fully prepared to throw down with one another at the tiniest provocation. Yes, I know a lot of it is "fuh'da show," but it can't all be.

I suppose what I'm asking is: What kind of shop are they running over there?



Everyone hates sal. They're all scared of Sam and Roland because Sam will destroy them on air and doesn't give a fuck and Roland is a crazy person. Erock is the one everyone pretends to dislike just because. Travis is beloved. And Troy no longer exists.

No one gives a fuck what I think.

I don't get the "scared of Roland" thing. Why anyone tiptoes around that fat goofball is beyond me. What will be do? Insult my dead dog? Look out! I really hate when they act like he is not to be messed with. "He's a problem?" Ridiculous.

He's the office's hook-up for free publicity merch, tickets, screeners, previews, signed rubbish, photos - it all goes through that corpulent pig-eyed sack of shit.

At my first job out of school I worked in an office environment at a small company with a lot of people who had been there for years and years. The first thing I heard when I got there was "This is Beth, she's the office manager. She's been here something like 25 years. She's a mean broad, but don't mess with her because she can either make your life easy or really difficult".

I came to realize that all I had to do was just nod and smile and say "yup, yup" along with her ridiculously horrible attitude about everything, and I got whatever I wanted and she'd trust me enough to give me keys and access to things that nobody had access to. And she'd e-mail me first about the free food.

The people she didn't like? They'd get the shitty office furniture, the shitty chairs, they'd be last on the list for phone service, office supplies, etc.

So, sometimes it pays to be nice to complete cuntbags, even if they're inherently dislikable. I suspect it's the same with Roland. Luckily we don't get shit from him so we can make fun of the fat fuck.

It's because they know he can't deal with it emotionally. It's not "we're afraid of him physically", it's "we're afraid he'll turn into a blubbering mess and we'll lose our connection to the entertainment business". If he got a fraction of what E-rock gets on a daily basis, he'd cry openly on air and then quit.

Anything you hear on the air is a character. How do people not get this shit by now.

Yes, yes you are mishearing the show is the correct answer

I think, as it is with any group that works together, they just get frustrated with each other from time to time. They're probably not all "best friends", but I think if they truly hated each other they wouldn't be able to work together properly.

I think, as it is with any group that works together, they just get frustrated with each other from time to time.

Well said. I never thought of it like that before.

I love people like you.

All it takes is one part smile, one part twinkle in eye, two tsp of can do attitude, and stirring those ingredients. Good day to you, sir.