Ant is an uneducated dope when it comes to politics

6  2013-09-26 by [deleted]

I can not stand when he says "I know the facts, I do my research."

Today he made the comment "Clinton banned guns on military bases.", which is a sentiment that ALL right wing outfits have been perpetuating since the mass shooting in Navy Yard. When Jimmy asked, "Why did Clinton do that?", Ant's response was "I don't know, he was an anti-gun Democrat".

For someone who researches and claims he only uses facts for his reasoning, he sure as hell dropped the ball on this subject.

First off, Clinton did not "ban all guns from military bases", this is evident in the report stating that one of the shooter's first victims was an armed security guard. If Clinton banned guns from military bases, why was there an ARMED security guard on the Military base?

Secondly, the regulations regarding gun authorization on military installations* came under Bush in 1992* (Link: and imposed by Clinton in 1993.

Here's what the regulation, not the "ban" states:

According to the Army's 1993 directive:

a. The authorization to carry firearms will be issued only to qualified personnel when there is a reasonable expectation that life or Department of the Army (DA) assets will be jeopardized if firearms are not carried.

b. DA personnel regularly engaged in law enforcement or security duties will be armed.

c. DA personnel are authorized to carry firearms while engaged in security duties, protecting personnel and vital Government assets, or guarding prisoners.

Anyone, with any sense, after researching this topic for 10 minutes, like Ant claims he does before committing to an opinion, would know that --> 1. There is no ban on firearms on military installations (there are just regulations) like he claims there are, and 2. This initiative came under Bush in 1992, a Republican, who apparently is also a anti-gun Democrat, and Clinton imposed it in 1993.

I paused my online feed and I doubt anyone will pipe up and challenge him, rather Jimmy and Opie will just take his word for the truth.

Not sure how much this bothers other people, but this shit infuriates me. He takes this lie that Rush Limbaugh and other right wing media organizations claim and further perpetuates the lie on what is supposed to be a comedy show. And trust me, I'm no liberal. I just hate when people blatantly lie, or in this case, spread their ignorance.

Source: Political Science Major, Political Analyst 2002-2007, and now just a governmental geospatial information analyst.



The only thing that pisses me off about Ant's rants are that it is the same damn bit everytime. Ant rants, jimmy counters a bit, opie shuts the hell up and does sudoku or plays candy crush, cue token angry black caller, Ant yells over angry black caller, Jimmy somewhat sees what the angry black caller is saying, Ant doesnt concede but is glad the angry black caller listens to show/called in.

That caller on Tuesday was horrible though.... Just wanted to yell that Anthony thinks all black men play the knock out game... I wish they would just hang up on 'those people'

You nailed it!

Anthony is just an arab-looking italian who wants to fit in with white people for some reason.

That's what this whole show really boils down to.

I wish Ant could hear how my rich-since-1600s, Mayflower-riding, American gentry ex-in-laws parents felt about Italians. Or, "the nigger of europe, with their barbaric and rapist behavior", as they referred to them.

Nothing he could say or do would change their minds. I had to hide the fact I'm half guinea.

They are truly wise people.

I'm part guinea too, fortunately from up north by the French border you know where the culture history and technology came from. Not Sicily like the Cumias.

Ay, Napoli!

My grandmother first-gen American despised those not from The Piedmont.

Holy shit that's insular. How do people become this?

My friend dated a girl from an old family that has a celebrity branch. Her branch was purer to the main bloodline than the famous ones, and her fam thought these people (basically cousins) were shitstains who should change their name.

These people are out of their minds with the pissing match.

Eh, you know those Italians.

I should car bomb you for the insult.

Stay off the boot you dirty African.

Well, we're all very impressed.

Appreciate it.

Another day of the show... Another bitchfest on reddit

No shit. Fucking whine whine whine. Don't listen if the show enrages you that much.

Take the right wing political cartoons that pop up in your facebook feed and wait a day or week and Ant will mention something almost verbatim from one of them

I block everybody who posts political stuff on Facebook so I've got no idea what floats around.

Yet you felt no compunction at all about posting this pseudo blog post here. What are we, fuckin' schmucks that don't deserve the same service you offer yourself.

Source: Guy wondering what the fuck is going on in your skull ya egomaniac.

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was a place to discuss the show.

No such place exists. All O&A forums/message boards/subreddits/sites are for hating only. How dare you!

Well, he is hating on Ant

Source: Political Science Major, Political Analyst 2002-2007, and now just a governmental geospatial informations analyst.


Sure they do, including you, as you took the time out of your busy day to post such kind words in this thread.

Have an A-1 day!

Have an A-1 Day!

douche chill

He's not trying to be funny though.

I didn't think it was a one-liner, quoting Breaking Bad when it doesn't apply or make sense is what got me.

I should have used my sarcasm tag.

You're not as funny as you think you are.

Funny? Wasn't trying to be funny in any post I've written today.

Political Science Major, Political Analyst 2002-2007, and now just a governmental geospatial informations analyst.

You're not annoyed at "when people blatantly lie, or in this case, spread their ignorance."

Be honest. Anthony's views annoy you and you also wanted to show that you know better.

Are we going to have a film/politcs/physics/business/history student post like this every time they talking bullshit about a subject they don't know about?

Don't pretend you care that much about people spreading their ignorance. You wouldn't confront someone you overheard on a train saying it so why bother with Ant?

I'm neither liberal nor conservative, so no, his personal political views are of no bother to me. I agree with a majority of what he has to say concerning guns in this country, which seems to be the political motivator behind Ant. I despise MSNBC and FOX equally because they are biased, one sided platforms for spreading ignorance and lies. So, again, Anthony's personal views don't bother me but the way he argues his point, or concerning this issue, when he throws out inaccurate information to the masses.

If want to criticize me because I made a thread concerning a member of the O&A show in and O&A sub-reddit, feel free. But criticize the content of my post, not my motives. Not ONE of you conservatives have rejected what I wrote, rather complained that I wrote it.

I think you're right. I agree Ant doesn't know what he's talking about most of the time with politics and especially in this case.

Yeah we're complaining that you wrote it because we don't think it's a good post. It's relevant to the show but it's a shit post. Like I said, do you think it'd be a good thing for someone to make a post similar to yours on the subject of history or sports?

"but the way he argues his point, or concerning this issue, when he throws out inaccurate information to the masses."

Ok then don't support the show if you're that opposed to it. The rest of us either don't care and ignore it - or agree with him and so don't mind it.

You're right about the facts but I don't care about what he said and don't think your criticism is worthwhile.

"don't think your criticism is worthwhile."

It's not a critique. Calling someone out for lying is not an act of criticism, it's simply calling them out.

If you are so loyal to your politics and don't care that Anthony and the rest of the right wing media are lying when they say "Clinton banned weapons on military bases", essentially alluding that it's Clinton's fault for what happened at Navy Yard, then that's something you have to live with, not me.

Ok, I don't think you calling him out in the OA subreddit is worthwhile.

What politics? I'm not even from the U.S., I'm a liberal and I agree with almost everything you said (specific to - the facts, how Ant was wrong and how the right wing media perpetuates lies like this).

Yes, I have to live with the fact I don't care about a comedy/entertainment show co-host lying about current events because he's uninformed.

You have to live with the fact you made a shit post and got upset when people didn't care about your issue with Anthony. Please don't make the mistake of thinking that we don't like your post because of our politics, we just don't caaaare.

I'm not upset at all. It's actually quite entertaining, especially the folks here who are attacking me because they think I'm a liberal. You've been going on an on about how you and others don't care but take a look around, obviously people do care otherwise this thread wouldn't have so many posts against it.

Don't care about what Ant said, I mean.

Opie corrected Ant by saying Bush did the guns on military bases thing.

And Ant promptly moved past the correction without discussing it further.

What's seemed to have happened to the show is that everything is just completely polarized.

Either it's the best thing ever, or fuck him/it/that/you ... there's very little gray area on anything they discuss anymore. They don't always agree with each-other, but if one of them says something is bad, then they say it's HORRIBLE, THE WORST EVER, DESPICABLE, SHOULD DIE.

Take the High Line discussed today .... I've been. It's nice. To Jimmy, it's "absolutely boring", "bored me to tears", "hated it", and an "utter waste of space & taxpayer dollars".

I realize sometimes you exaggerate for effect, and not everything will appeal to everybody - but aggressive hatred for a public park? It's just completely irrational.

Opie just kind of threw that in as they were moving on to a new story though, so I don't think it's fair to say he just brushed it off. Obviously, Ant is completely capable of twisting things for his narrative, but I don't think that was the case this time (imho).

Ha, you know he was being facetious, right? He said it was G W Bush (the president AFTER CLinton), playing on the narrative that all Liberals blame GW Bush for everything.

No, he wasn't being facetious.

Well, yes he was, considering George W Bush served after Clinton. It was during GWH Bush's tenure, who served before Clinton, when this was proposed.

He accepted Opie's information, which was also wrong - but he wasn't being facetious. Whether the person that sent the info to Opie was wrong, or whether Opie just mis-interpreted the information, is impossible to know.

I guess we disagree - but it didn't come across as facetious to me at all.

Oh, I definitely think Opie was not being facetious as he was passing on the info from a caller. I think Ant was by just blowing it off because he specifically said GW Bush. If you recall, the liberals blamed everything on Bush in Obama's earlier years, and I think Ant was just ragging on that.



haha, you said AIDS. thats a disease! hahaha

This post is about blatant ignorance of a topic Ant claims to know very well due to his "research".

I know. It is pretty cringe worthy when Ant starts on one of his GOP talking-point laden attacks. I just ignore it. They are entertainers and funny. I don't listen to them for politics.

It's hard for me to ignore it because I've been immersed in the political scene for the past decade doing fact checks and writing. Oh well, if the conservatives on here would rather attack me instead of what I wrote, so be it. Can't wait till I say something that offends the liberals on this site!

this guy was so pumped when he heard ant talk about this subject so he could finally put his worthless political science major to use.

Worthless? My degree allowed me to make 6 figures for eight years consecutively. I guess worthless is a relative term.

Holy shit. That's literally the equivalent to saying, "If guns are banned in Chicago, how come the police get to carry them?!?! See! They're not COMPLETELY banned!!"

You're a moron.

He only uses facts and statistics when it's used against something he dislikes. When they're used against his opinions he doesn't bring them up or give them validity.

Or care.. The man loves to be outraged.

The show is meant for entertainment purposes, not informative purposes. It's not billed as a news show or political talk, so you can't expect a "shock jock" to research stuff like a news team. Politics on the show are just like real life, no one is ever going to agree when they subscribe to the other side. I would guess that if you disagreed with a position on Anthony's side you would still dispute it even if there are credible facts. That's just how it goes.

I think everyone just gets annoyed that its so asinine. occasionally is funny and entertaining but its fucking daily just about. Hearing Jimmy expound on technology when he knows nothing is fucking painful

So you are defending Anthony because the show is defined as an entertainment show? Listen, here's the deal, When Anthony goes on his rants, whether they are political, social or racial, he ALWAYS claims he uses FACTS. This is a just an example of where he doesn't use FACTS, claims he doesn't know anything about the subject, but yet states a lie. I understand the conservatives on this site won't read this or instantly downvote it, or makes excuses for Anthony, because people in the US are ridiculously partisan - so bring on the downvotes!!!!!!

God dude. Go to a democratic subreddit or Democratic Underground forums. No one gives a shit here. You don't agree with Anthony because you don't like his politics. Just fucking say it.

Why shouldn't he discuss Ant's politics here, though? It's the opieandanthony subreddit and Ant's politics are a big part of the show, no? No one is forcing you to participate in this jpevear's discussion about this aspect of the show, so why do you give a shit and bothered to post?

Jesus, thank you. It's sad how butt hurt these people get over a stupid thread I created.

I'm with ya man. Don't you dare try to post anything about Roland's health on here either. I posted a question asking if he had been tested for sleep apnea and these babies cried forever.

I guess you can only call out Opie & Jimmy in this sub-reddit. The past 3 weeks there has been nothing but Opie and Jimmy bashing, but call out the 53 year old drunk, racist, uninformed pedophile and watch out boys and girls, shit's gonna get nasty. I enjoyed it, nonetheless.

Oh poor baby, did I ruffle your right wing feathers? I don't care if the issue is politics, race, or socially related - I'm going to call Ant out when he blatantly lies on the radio, broadcasting to millions of people. In this case, it happened to be political and you didn't like it because obviously you're a conservative. Hey man, if you want to blindly believe him, that's your right - and it's my right to post anything I fucking want related to this show in this sub-reddit. So, go fuck yourself?

You are the only that seems to be getting overly worked up here. Didn't take long for your Polical Science Major to descend 'to go fuck yourself', eh? Well worth that loan.

We are all aware what we are getting when we freely choose to listen to this show - You genuinely believe we didn't know, that we're all ignorant fools, and we needed a guy that looked just like you to drop the scales from our eyes. You are way too fuckin' full of yourself. I don't need to check with you as to what shows pass your political test.

Give me a percentage figure for the stuff you believe to be correct which is in actual fact objectively horseshit. If you say anything more than 50% you are a fucking self-delusional nutcase. Everyone is wrong about most everything at some point or another, it's called being a human-being you tedious self-important sophomoric faggot.

So your stated objective here is to be the unwanted self-appointed arbiter of what content is to be 'called out', and you intend to keep posting self-aggrandising talking-point bollocks to a board that refuses to care, well fuck you sparky, see how long that lasts.


Eh, 52%

As was stated previously, you're not that funny. Get back to the front of the bus.

As I stated previously, none of my posts were intended to be funny. I do find much comedy in this thread, though; however, it's been accidental in part by those who are extremely partisan. Only in America can you be hated for proving somebody wrong. I love it!

I am in tears because you don't agree with me or Anthony :'( All I'm saying is that it's just another political argument. Your problems with his facts are just politics that will never be agreed upon, so it is really just an ideology gripe that will never end.

Thanks for the personal attack and emotional arguing though. True libshit tactics lol.

Agree? There's nothing to agree with and it's not an argument. There is no ban on weapons on military installations like Ant claims there is. What don't you get?


Ant is a typical republitard, he hears something on Fox and it becomes word of god. He is a smart guy but he is a total sociopath. Outside of his immediate family the rest of the world could die in a fire. He just doesnt give a shit.

Fuck, i think it's hilarious that people take Ant seriously when it comes to anything other than 80's pop culture. I thought everyone laughed at his political views?!?

This doesn't bother me so much because he always has the same viewpoint so I know it is coming. What really gets me is when Jimmy talks about singularity and anything regarding privacy. But to each his own.

Ant and Jimmy are really getting annoying when problem with something, or something doesn't work for them, it is the companies fault. Jimmy talking about stocks, Ant's iPhone video camera issue, etc.

Nice try Opie



He obviously meant personal guns. Chill out. His point is that it's bullshit that people that are safety trained and need to use guns in their workplace can't even have one of their own.

Yeah law enforcement is usually for that /s

Yes, you're right. He obviously meant personal guns. sigh

But he did. He even said something to the effect of "one armed guard at the gate is expected to protect the whole place." He was clearly talking about the soldiers in the complex being unarmed.

If Clinton banned guns from military bases, why was there an ARMED security guard on the Military base?

Completely misses the point guy.

What is it with all this clearly talk? Soldiers, albeit not all of them, ARE armed on military bases. So, even if he meant soldiers, he was wrong. Read the directive! Completely ignorant of what the directive states guy.

Wrong. Military personnel are prohibited from carrying weapons on base. That is what Anthony was complaining about, prohibition on carry introduced in 92/93. Clinton or Bush is irrelevant to his point. He didn't change his objection when corrected on the chronology.

There is a ban on firearms.

Battlefield weaponry is stored in the armory. When you posted this ignorant shit did you actually think 50cal gunners walk the base with their field issued weaponry? Anti tank missiles on troops shoulders going to lunch, or communications specialists with sharpened radio-antennas. By regulation they are to be unarmed, not allowed concealed carry, have to register and check-out their hunting weapons, and have to rely on Military Police for their protection.

And again you are incorrect. The issue was not 'perpetuated' after a dozen people were shot to death in a Navy Yard, it was raised when Nidal Malik Hasan murdered 13 unarmed soldiers and left 30 more injured in Fort Hood in 2009. All the victims were defenseless by regulation and paid for it with their lives.

In a society with ready access to firearms, gun free zones are a bullet magnet for psychotics. Whether that's schools, cinemas or military bases, leaving good people undefended whilst mental patients are free to ignore restrictions is a suicidal recipe for brutal murder.

A trucker at a Cracker Barrel can defend himself from savagery, but troops who are entrusted with protecting a nation's defense are apparently not considered trustworthy to personal carry, and are to be denied the constitutional rights and liberties they sacrifice themselves to protect for others.

You have fucked up badly here. You have embarrassed yourself by jumping in with both feet on a topic you clearly know much less about than your inflated ego led you to believe. You are now marked as a messageboard joke.

No shit. Military police and the personell listed in articles b and c are allowed to carry weapons. That is NOT a ban against weapons like Ant states. And it WASN'T Clinton. It was the DOD under Bush. And while your story about Fort Hood is cute, I was referring to Navy Yard as this is what Ant was referring to. Dope.

You think a dozen soldiers murdered is "cute"? Sick cunt.

Yes it is a ban. Military personnel that wish to carry a weapon for personal protection were and are prohibited from doing so. Some of them end up dead. Despite New York's best efforts, Anthony is allowed to carry a gun, someone on regular service on a military base is not.

That is what the regulation states. Anthony wants United States military personnel to be able to carry their weapon if they so choose. They are currently prevented from doing so. How many ways do I need to re-arrange these words till it eventually gets through your head.

Keep calling me dope, it doesn't make your smug, self-satisfied initial post here any less incorrect, or your subsequent responses here any less adolescent. You're fucked, you fucked up.

Nope. Ant stated Clinton banned weapons on Military bases. That sweetie, is a false statement. Dope.

Look at how you came into this thread, and now look at how you're going out. Less than 24 hours to go from Political Analyst 2002-2007 to a petulant child.

You must feel embarrassed at how poorly you played this, how badly it got away from you.

Going out? I made that comment at 4:30 AM on my way to the airport. Sorry, I don't have to time to argue on the internet today as I got big boy things to do. Have a lovely weekend, sweetie!

I find all politicians--presidents especially--to be a completely trustworthy and almost impossibly intelligent group of elite people that demand our respect. DEMAND IT.

And NSA? Thank you for reading my texts and stuff. Lord knows nobody else does...

Well either get used to it or find another radio show to listen to because Ant is not going anywhere. He's a huge part of the reason I'm such a big fan of the show.

The fact that pseudo intellectual Lib douchebags like yourself hate him makes me like him even more.

I like how you went through all the trouble of formatting your post like it was some kind of fucking official essay or something. What a queeb.

Tell your mom to come back to bed. My balls need draining.

Speaking of which, I hope your baby comes out retarded, or stillborn

Awe. It's little wannabe jimmy norton. Die faggot. Edit. You're retarded. Reworded so you can understand.

I take that back, I don't hope your baby is stillborn, I hope it's retarded so you get to live with that burden and disappointment for the rest of your life, faggot. Have fun with that! :)

Wow. You can't even pull of hurtful.

Speak English, you dumb half-nigger faggot.

I hope you realize that when the fat sow baby factory you call a wife shits out that filthy wop crotchspawn of yours, her pussy is never going to be the same, if you ever do have sex again that is.

No, you still can't pull it off. You're a hack.

Thank you for the kind words!

I'm with you. Drives me fucking insane. Thankfully I don't listen live and I can just fast forward through it.

No kidding. Whenever I hear an Ant political rant starting I just fast forward 30-45 minutes....still going? Fast forward 15 more. Typically a good 45 minutes is the go-to spot.

Ant's my favorite part of the show, but goddamn the political/racist rants are just tired.

I've given you all the downvotes I possibly can. Hope it helps.

Thank you. I will comment as much as possible, so make sure to come back.