Is Ant A Devout Ayn Rand Follower Now?

0  2013-09-26 by waytogo17

In this Beavis video you can see Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead" on the couch. I am personally no fan of Ayn Rand's but I can see how myopic Ant would be or how his 18 year old girlfriend would be, or is she still 17?


I don't think having a copy of a book sitting on a table makes anyone a devout follower of anything. For instance, I have read the Bible and the Koran, yet I am irreligious. Perhaps he is reading the book to gain information so he can better form his own political outlook.

Yea I know, that's why I formed the topic as a question, I guess I was just trying to get clicks lol.

Gotta get those numbers.

Okay, terrific!

That Rand upsets exactly the type of person that gets upset by Rand is the only reason anyone really needs to justify having some Rand on display.

Wish I could upvote this a million times.

I love how that hypocritical cunt died in welfare.

No but he is a devout Aryan

Fuck no he's not. Admission denied.

In his dream.

Pretty sure Ant doesn't read.

I assumed it was his girlfriend's.

Yea, that's funny. young cunts always love ayn rand then they grow up and see how the world really is.

Or.... More likely, required school reading.

I'm not an objectivist but I read the Fountainhead. It's okay.

Fountainhead I actually thought was good (better fiction than philosophy, as most of Rand's works are). Atlas was... "Good" I guess. But it's four months of my life that I'll never get back.

I never got to Atlas Shrugged. I read The Fountainhead in the early 90's before I knew there was all this political implication to it.

For a while I was all Rand all the time. Read everything, did research. For about six months I was full on Objectivist. Then I got a job and had shit to take care of.

It doesn't hold up.

Thank you for summarizing my entire 4 years at a liberal arts college.

I too am an LAS student. :|

I wonder if he knows that she used government assistance

I wonder if he cares... no wait, I don't fucking care because I'm not a stalker with a dusting of a half-formed political agenda.

Shhhh. Libertarian hipsters don't like pointing that out.

Typical white hypocrits.

Reading the book does not necessarily mean a person is totally aligned with the philosophy. Many people cherry pick on politics as the should. I don't believe Ant is a "devout" follower, but I would guess he believes many of the more well-known points. (Self-Reliance, etc.). Also, I have never heard Ant seriously say old people shouldn't get SSI or Medicare. He is more upset about working age people who choose not to work for themselves and get on the "government tit'. This is just my opinion based on listening to the show, so what the hell do I know.


No but he has gtav map out. He doesn't "read". That isn't evident?

I have a Transmetropolitan comic on my nightstand. I'm no devout Warren Ellis fan. It's just a book.

No one is. He just says fuck a lot in many different accents.

Probably belongs to his chick.

Hipster bullshit in his eyes. I say it's his girl's book.