Anybody else getting infuriated with Sam and his "NOOOO NOOOOO NOOOOO!!!" bit every time Troy's name is mentioned?

0  2013-09-25 by ElPatreeecko

He obviously thinks it's just great and it's become cringe inducing to me as is a lot of the other shit he says. I don't hate Sam but he gets way too much air time. He's just not that good and unless something interesting or crazy happened on the show, the after show sucks a fat dick.


Sam Rules

I'm pretty sure that the only reason many fans like him is because the boys do. He really doesn't bring anything all that great to the air.

I don't think your getting it.....Sam Rules ..... he fuckin rules

The only thing that Sam is ever good at is stirring that giant cauldron of shit like the witch he is.

No but I am getting tired of you bitches whining about every little thing the show does now. This sub is turning into a worse place than Wack Bag.

Yeah, when Sam tries to be funny or do a bit, it's a bit cringy. He should stick to just being a shit-stirrer.

I don't know about infuriated but it's pretty annoying. I like sam more than most people seem to, but this one was real a stinker. He probably saw it on a wrestling show.

Yeah, I can't get worked up over this...

Sam is pretty funny. I wish he was only in a supporting roll and never on the air.

you could've stopped at 'and his "NOOOO NOOOOO NOOOOO!!!" bit every time Troy's name is mentioned?'
