Anyone ever listen to Steve Merchant's radio Show with Ricky Gervais and Karl Pilkington?

31  2013-09-25 by bongoshaftsburry


Yeah, you can find the entire recording on TPB. Hilarious shows, Karl has some of the most amazing stories I've ever heard. I used to listen to this prior to discovering O&A.

I think Karl on O&A would be the best thing ever.

"Alien Gives Man a Beard"

That's my archive I put together four years ago. I haven't listened to the show in about a year after listening to each episode about 15 times. Kind'a lucky with O&A there's a new episode every day.

I haven't listened to the show in about a year after listening to each episode about 15 times.

Phew. I thought I was the only one. I might listen to them again, in fact.

I would sit outside class in college, giggling like a ninny at Karl's lunacy. The hardest I've ever laughed at any show was during the audiobook when Karl revealed his only company as a child was a calculator. People stared at me, as they should.

Holy FUCK was that funny. But not as good as the story about Mrs. Battersby, the elderly ghost he saw as a child.

And the one where Karl tells the story about when a doctor sarcastically told his mom he was going to die from eating spoiled cakes. She believed him and asked no further questions and reported that to his dad.

For me it's the story about his brother getting kicked out of the army because he went to buy a pack of fags in a tank.

What the fuck, how did I miss that one too?

I think it's from the XFM show which was before the podcasts

Forgot about this, there's no way it could be true. Hilarious nonetheless. Karl's stories about his brother are always great.

Mrs. Battersby ruled, during that same episode he talks about the "tic-tac incident." Nothing would make me happier than to see Karl, Ircky and Steve in the studio with the boys.

I don't remember the tic tac incident, what was that?

Thanks boss

That's awesome. I downloaded this a few years ago after the shows were taken down from Pilkipedia. Thanks so much.

Yeah dude I love all your archives and look forward to the daily uploads from you. Really good stuff. Much appreciated.

The Ricky Gervais show on HBO is just them taking clips from this and animating them.

It's fucking hilarious, worth checking out

No they didn't. That's from the Ricky Gervais podcast which started in 2006 or something.

The XFM shows went from 2001 ish. That's how Ricky and Steve met before they were fired in 1998 and back on the air with Karl in 2001.

So if you liked the HBO series and thought that was it, there's another hundred hours of it to listen too.

This is why I was so happy when the boys mentioned doing another animation fest, because The Ricky Gervais show is SO GOOD. A lot of episodes are available on youtube as well if anyone is interested

It's probably my favorite radio show outside of O&A, Karl is the best part of the show. This was from when they were actually on the radio not the podcast.

This is probably one of my top 5 Karl moments from the show. Karl is amazed by the "man-moth"

I can't be bothered

I use the Karl_Dilkington username on another site, I was annoyed that I couldn't use it on Reddit. Guess I know why.

I love one of the stories Karl told on XFM about being on a blind date, he said he liked her but she had some illness. What's the point in getting to know someone, spending money on them if they are just going to die.

She had a problem with her marrow!

OnA was actually the show I started listening to when I ran out of the old Ricky Gervais Show episodes. The first time Stephen Merchant was on the show, it was pretty surreal. My dream is for all 6 of them to do one full show together.

The Ricky Gervais show is really fantastic and my love of Karl is equal to my love of "the boys". It's led me to watching "an idiot abroad" and Karl is fantastic in the show "Derek" I'm also looking forward to his next show "the moaning of life". His view of the world is just so perfectly logical and illogical at the same time. What a fucking guy!

Didn't know "the moaning of life" was a thing until this post. Thanks! Looks great.

I'm surprised Americans can appreciate a lot of the banter between these three. Like when Ricky calls Steve a "wurzel", how could an American possibly get this reference?

context nigga

i'll be honest, wurzel was one of the few i didn't pick up from context, but i just looked it up.

If you aren't an idiot, you just understand it from the context of what they are talking about. Whenever I try to show someone Ricky Steve and Karl, usually the podcasts, and they complain that they can't understand them, either because of the accents or slang, I immediately think less of that person.

The podcasts and guide tos will always be on a pedestal as radio perfection to me. I have listened to every single one at least 20 times

KP is one of my favorite people in the world. Would love it if he followed Ricky on O&A but probably won't ever happen.

yea i dont think he "can be bothered"

It's flippin' hilarious...but i'm still not a 100% sure Karl isn't a character.

His media persona is just a much amplified version of himself. Yeah, he's a fucking mong, but it's played up for the comedy value.

If you listen to some of the xfm shows you can pick out the bits where Ricky is making up stories that Karl just has to go along with. Their radio shows and early podcasts are all excellent though and O&A fans would love them.

If the uploader thought this was "brutal", they should really listen to O&A.

Their show is really good though, I love Merchant, even more so after I saw his stand-up special.


Yup, I have every episode.

Its fucking great!

Yeah, it's great. In the early episodes before they really knew Karl that well, you can actually listen to them discover what a brilliant lunatic he is on the air.

