What drug does everyone think Stephan Merchant's brownie was spiked with?

6  2013-09-25 by Kirillb85


LOL, at Opie saying Molly.

That can't be pot, if he is saying it took 30 seconds. This is the guy though that went to a party when he was young where they were lighting incense, and he assumed it was a drug, so he was acting high and telling people he was messed up, until they asked him what he meant, and he found out he was an ass.

Edit: Just imagine Stephen Merchant, the genius behind The Office, Extras, and all these great things, but he is only known as Ricky Gervais' friend, he is awkward to begin with, then he fucks up this bad in front of all these celebrities.

Thanks, nice link.

Definitely sounds like weed especially if it was wrapped like an edible. And Steven merchant seems like a straight edge dude who wouldn't be used to it

He said he only lasted about 30 seconds (before he kinda freaked out, and I'm assuming from when it kicked it).

i think it could be, hash is a total different high, its more of a body thing and they have the best weed in LA so its not that crazy, the stuff out today is powerful.

He ate it though, that would take a bit to hit you.

Edit: Basically, I don't completely believe the story. It is pretty likely he was given a pot brownie at a Sarah Silverman party, he got too fucked up, and his story isn't perfect.

I'm almost positive it was just pot. Hallucinogens take a while to kick in. So does pot, but a skinny guy like him would probably metabolize it real quick. More importantly, all of the symptoms he describes are indicative of too much pot.

He must have exaggerated how long it took to kick in if it was just pot, I'm skinny as fuck and edibles still take about an hour to hit me.

At least an hour and the high takes a while before it peaks.

I think he was shotgunning bong rips but is too shy to say so



Obviously mushrooms.

It was likely pot butter or pot oil or hash oil and it probably took longer than 30 seconds to impact him. If you are really skinny it could probably start hitting you at 20-30 minute mark. Plus if you are not used to smoking pot, which I'm pretty sure Merchant is or else he wouldn't seem a little uptight lol, a pot brownie will HIT YOU HARD! If you have no experience smoking joints and then you start off with a pot brownie, you will really really feel it. especially if it is made with some nice strong cali weed.

LSD. This happened to me at a Phish festival the summer of 2011.

That wasn't a Phish concert, it was a rest stop, Lady Trucker (phhhhhhrrrrrhankingsly)

that wasn't LSD. LSD is flavorless, so there would be no point in hiding it in a brownie. it was either mushrooms or weed.

a strong pot brownie can feel a lot like acid.

Acid also takes at least 45 mins to kick in

OK Pepper

Merchant gets a TV series after one standup show in LA.You could hear Jimmy grating his teeth.LOL

And ya know, co-writing every successful Ricky Gervais project.

don't forget co-directing and co-creating lmao.

At least an hour and the high takes a while before it peaks.