Billy Burr bit in which he yells at old man sweeping...

6  2013-09-24 by 10below

I'm pretty sure this happened on O&A. I'm not sure exactly what was happening, they were pulling a bit and this old janitor guy sweeping told them to fuck off or something. Bill berated him about his life and what not, it was hilarious, but Billy later said he felt bad about some guy who was 'just doing his job'.

Anyone remember this? Know how to find it? I thought it might have been a podcast episode but the descriptions aren't too descriptive.


This was during the bit where they left porn mags and dildos scattered about the street and waited for people to notice. I think it was called street fishing.

It's from early 2006 - I just downloaded the years show and heard that bit recently.

Thank you!

Holy shit that is funny.

Is on the podcast, they're not that nondescriptive.

E-rock obviously doesn't write these

Not that non-descriptive? Billy the Red Faced Pirate's name isn't even on there. Thanks for the effort ;)

It's on one of the podcasts a couple weeks back.