So ant gets a lot of shit for dating young girls but did you know that...

0  2013-09-24 by jackbowen

(listening to an old show from 2006) opie said his gf... Now wife was 22, which makes her 30ish, I know that isn't 17-18 like ant... God bless him, just funny because it's the first I've heard how young she is.

Just a little "nugget" for the sub


Opie has mentioned the age gap between him and his wife numerous times. He's even said that his in-laws are just a couple years older than him.

Yeah, this isn't new news to me. Opie wants to keep his personal life out of the show obviously, so I think this is why he doesn't get the shit that Ant gets.

and he can't take it. he's a little bitch.

I think most of the shots at Ant are good-natured, and he even calls himself a ghoul. The story of him attending prom last year (if memory serves) did make me cringe and feel envious though.

He has now both gone to a 18 year olds prom (or is it 17, I have now idea how hold his current gf was at the time) and has taken a 18 year old to his 25 year (or was it 30 year?) high school reunion. two great honors i guess lol.

Omg, I heard his story of taking the girl to his reunion, but if there's a story of him going to someone's prom I have to hear it.


Yeah but Ope got a trophy wife while Ant fucks possible minors


Exactly. At least 22 year olds don't own neon pink schoolbags and complain about their daddy being a jerk for grounding them. There's an enormous difference.

Yeah, Lindsey is much, much younger than Opie. Nothing new here. Opie is 50, Ant is 52.... both date women with a minimum of a 20 year age gap.

You'd never guess they were that old /s

Child of the 80s and whatnot.

What's wrong with dating younger women? Why should I settle for used and abused worn out leather bag with high mileage and possibly baggage?