How Epic Was OnA's Fight in 2009!?!?!?

14  2013-09-09 by waytogo17

I was listening to it after the build up cuz that Jason guy on youtube put up that Leaving Free FM compilation which is here: (the fight starts around 3:43:18).

Isn't it a ridiculous fight!?!? Have other radio shows had fights like this? It seemed pretty real. I honestly think Opie did a pretty good job of being fair and logical while Ant tried a lot of tricks to try and win points in the argument (like saying "well let me go back to where we started from rather than where we got" after being talked into a corner). At the same time Ant made Opie look pretty bad by saying he didn't go to all the sponsor meetings which seems like a no brainer thing to do if you are trying to make it in the biggest terrestrial radio market in the English speaking world. It was also crazy to hear Ant kind of imply that Opie couldn't be successful on his own before backing away from that really quickly. Hearing the fight makes you think about all the stuff that has gone on off the air that we will never hear about.


Friends/co-workers fight. It happens. You both go home as angry little cunts and wake the next day brushing it off your shoulder.


The Opie vs Jim fight was way better.

The Opie vs Jim fight was more brutal but it was over a really trivial subject and the way they were just soooooo angry you could tell they were saying things they didn't4really mean out of anger while the Opie vs Ant fight seemed much more real because they were saying things and then taking them back and both of them seemed really defensive and sensitive.

Oh this is good.

Was that the one where Ant chimed in at the end with the "my tummy hurts" throwback to his parents fighting?

I was just going to reply with this, fine work sir.

''it's not funny, if it makes you cry.''

The best part is listening to erock get scared when Opie & Anthony talk about splitting ways.

Opie pretending to call it quits for the show was funny

idk about funny but it showed how petty and narcissistic opie is.

They were both being bitches in their own way. Anthony knows better than to poke Gregg "The Hornet's Nest" Hughes when he is stressed, but he kept it up anyway.

But here'sh da ting: every time they have an argument, they come out better for it. That's the sign of a good relationship. Look at the one from earlier this year. It was so bad that Opie wouldn't come back on the air for half the week. Now they are sounding more friendly than they have in a long time.

u make a lot of sense sir!

Look at the one from earlier this year. It was so bad that Opie wouldn't come back on the air for half the week.

What happened? Does anyone have a link to this?

It happened before the show. Opie walked out before the show began, and he was "out" for the day.

I hate when Opie was like "leave it alone" "stop".


I hope someone writes a book in the future with details of all the stuff that has gone on behind the scenes.

Why write a book for people that can't read?

Solution is clearly to write it in fast food menu, liquor store advertisement, hate group pamphlet and/or cb radio code formats. I think we can all find a way to follow that.

There was a couple of years around this fight that the two of them didn't seem to be getting along very well.

There was probably a lot of stress and blame thrown at each other as their terrestrial careers fell apart. Even Jimmy was feeling it he was almost fired by CBS. I feel bad for them cuz the ratings that came out were trending up so good in NYC right before they were fired. I honestly think they would be big hits on terrestrial now. I think they really have their schtick down and know how to be a modern show and have moved away from their childishness at WNEW. Someone just needs to give them a chance!

I toooold youuuuuuu


(twitter voice)

oh haha, how did i miss that.

is this the fight almost had E-rock in tears?


The Opie vs Jim fight was more brutal but it was over a really trivial subject and the way they were just soooooo angry you could tell they were saying things they didn't4really mean out of anger while the Opie vs Ant fight seemed much more real because they were saying things and then taking them back and both of them seemed really defensive and sensitive.

I was just going to reply with this, fine work sir.

Solution is clearly to write it in fast food menu, liquor store advertisement, hate group pamphlet and/or cb radio code formats. I think we can all find a way to follow that.