Anthony's kitten video makes front page of Yahoo

31  2013-09-07 by SXMGirl


Poor Opie. Ant gets all this viral attention without even caring/trying. Deja vu a-la Chip on World Star Hip Hop!

I have to laugh at Opie's obsession with a "viral video". It means absolutely nothing. Did Sam skyrocket to fame on his iPhone girl? He really looks desperate when he obsesses.

I don't think he's obsessive about it. He likes making videos and its net to get those numbers but its a bit

His "advice" to Ant about douchey video title construction was so grody.

Opie got plenty of attention. So much so that he had to remove a certain video because of all the death threats.

Exactly. Be careful what you wish for.

I wonder how many mainstream readers who will dawww themselves over this video will react when they realize the co-star is a racist, gun toting borderline-pedophile on a controversial talk radio show?


It will be grand.

Now all 5 people who use Yahoo news can enjoy his video

Yahoo news is the most clicked news site on the Internet.

Let me make my lame joke and walk away


I like that the #1 youtube comment on Ant's video is "Sal is a homo hipster."

Ant already had a viral video when he destroyed windows vista.

It looks like yahoo re-uploaded it so Anthony might not get the views.

Google should file a DMCA take-down. Yahoo is stealing their content.

It's not Google's content, it's Ant's. But yeah, he might like to be notified about it.


Oh my god, dying of cute right now.

I submitted the photo he tweeted of his niece with the kitten to, but they didn't repost it. How is that not cute enough for!

Does this mean we get to listen to Opie SCREAM DAMNIT into the Mic for 5 mintues.

Yeah! Fuck you TweetPoster!