I like you guys. What subreddits do you use besides this one?

12  2013-09-06 by [deleted]

because most of them are shit.




nothing better than nude bitches

Down voted for advertising nude women. Please skull fuck yourself with a hammer you cunt.

You're trying too hard.

Nah not really. It only took a few seconds to think of and type.

I love /r/palegirls

All the other ones I'm subbed to is porn.

/r/iamgoingtohellforthis It's like another OnA subreddit

Yes, that is a great one.

/r/cfb /r/nfl /r/grandtheftautov

I try to avoid mainstream reddits or those that are politically themed, as discussing politics anywhere just gets ugly and vitriolic. Not a fan of AMA or funnygifs.

Conspiracy, conspritard, Rogan's, 2XC, and my local city.


(Not a smartass answer to your question. I promise)

Just this, /r/aww because animals are adorable and /r/pathofexile because that game is awesome, but that subreddit is full of 12 year olds too. reddit fucking blows.






I used to go to /r/niggers a lot, but it's gone now. :(

To bad its just the internet
