is Millionaire Opie really complaining about people not leaving tips at his faggot juice store?

0  2013-09-05 by opiesucks

man, this guys take on things is real. Combined with his high pitched voice... talk about edgy.

P.S. you guys miss me?


No one misses you, You just make shitty posts likes this.

take a chill pill, lol.


P.S. you guys miss me?

Edgy troll guy, watch out everybody.

I normally hate opiesucks, but I found Opie annoying when he brought this up today, only because I hate those tip cups at fastfood joints, bakeries and others like them. They aren't serving you and making $2.00/hr., therefore they get no tip.

thanks 'brotha'

I will always upvote you.


teehee. He once said playing golf with Vos at some fancy golf resort was fuckin expensive. "how can they charge so much for a round of golf?" he said. Ant... "how much" Opie....."80 bucks" ...... crickets.

No one on the radio is funnier than Opie.

please keep posting

it will make the day you come to grips with your waste of a life that much more devastating
