What Do You Think The Real Size of OnA's Audience is?

7  2013-09-03 by waytogo17

Including all the international and youtube listeners along with the people who just listen in their car when they are bored? My guess would be a million total world wide. Or close to it. I can't believe Siriusxm still keeps them premium for people with Sirius radios, if they got rid of that it would save people with Sirius about 30 bucks a year and double OnA's audience.


somewhere between an XL and an XXL

Yeah cuz you gotta be a fat guy to listen of sumfin, tss

The Sirius/premium thing is a very legitimate beef, and it was one of the reasons I didn't get into the show earlier.

What's interesting is that if you go with the internet only subscription, you get O and A and other "premium" channels for less than you'd be paying for the Sirius radio subscription.

I got into O and A when I got my first Droid and Sirius launched the online app. I have unlimited data, so I canceled my radio, got the internet subscription, and ended up with more channels for less money.

Sirius/XM really is run by a bunch of monkeys trying to hump a doorknob.

wow ur story really illustrates how stupid all them SiriusXm ppl are.

Yeah, whenever I've called customer service or emailed the company about how they're one shared company so the channels shouldn't be limited because of what radio you have (in my case Sirius b/c I have a Chrysler). Customer service has no idea, and the emails come back as some form response.


Perhaps more than that, phrunkis.

Is this what we are doing now?

peking G is taking it to a whole new level

Wow, that many? That must be something wrong with those numbers...

Well there are 45 users here right now, and 4,183 subscribers so add 45+4,183 and you get your number


Oh literal coolguy

Oh you mean every O&A fan isn't here right now? SHIT!!!! I HAD NO IDEA!!!!

I'm sure Howard is keeping them from being on non-Premium Sirius. After all, the 4 days a week he's not working, his listeners might change the channel and never come back.

You meant 4 days a month, right?

A thin 6" with hair all the way up the shaft.


There are dozens of us.

millions and millions

As of January of 2012 there were nearly 22 million subscribers, of those 22 million, who knows? 1, 2 million, tops would be my guess.

According to Howard he has 22 millions listeners so that can't be right, unless they catch OnA on replays.

I don't know how many but I bet O&A do. Opie is all about "checkin his numbas"

I guess SiriusXm would never do it though, they want that 30 bucks a year so bad.

You realise it's not just one subscriber's $30 they'd be losing right?

yea of course. But they'd make more money if they let everyone get all the channels, at leas that's what I think. In the end everything is available on the internet so you want to make your product as convenient and widely spread as possible to at least give people the option of paying for it and listening as simply and conveniently as possible instead of feeling like they are getting jipped and deciding to just pirate it.

I know several people who have Sirius. I tried to get them to listen but remembered they'd have to pay extra and do leg work. Dumb marketing

Like eight or nine...

Its really hard to tell, the audience may feel small at times because some fans are so dedicated and are constantly interacting on twitter to the point where you start to recognise their names! I'd say O&A is on the up where Howard is on the decline.

I would say both are on decline... the golden days are way past them. When was the last time they did a bit that caught any media or even social media attention?

I remember something about a cake.

Yes, from 7 years ago... that's what I'm saying.

All that reddit outrage... 7 years ago huh?

Yeah obviously they are not as big as they where on terrestrial but people have no reason to tune out and never listen again, with Howard that's a different story. I wonder if they actually had leaked the Metallica info, how many media outlets would have reported it?


I heard somewhere that it's the most popular radio show in the world. Radio journalism at its finest!

i bet a ton of people, but i like where they are at, they are not total rich cunts and i enjoy feeling like im the only person i know thats a dedicated listener, its my own secret box of laughs, although i have my GF say "whats that?" to chip.

Pretty big. Not as big as it was before Homeless Charlie, not as small as it was during the "We're Quitting After Our Contract" Era of 2010-2011.