Ant's cringiest vine. It's relevant because it's still horrible.

24  2013-08-31 by abeezmal


Anyone else and that would be a 90 minute trashing on the show.

This vine makes me want to stop listening to the show.

3:30 am


bailey jay

perfect night!

Does she have the boner or do you? I'm guessing both.

All I can think of is how women wake up to that face every morning/night and just deal with it.

"Are ya hungry baaaaby?"

Ant: "I came inside you!"


You know how people block terrible memories when they experience something terrible? well I completely forgot I saw this before and this might be a sign that i've been blocking this horror from my mind.

He's got a face for radio.

And a prick for porn.

That old face, blech

Ant needs some new teef.

Hasn't he been talking about getting some on the show recently?

Why couldn't that been the basketball shot. I'd rather see that again than this.

God damn it, Ant. Stop pointing your phone at things and yelling their name.

This is pretty terrible, but then again, so is every other fuckin vine I see affiliated with the show. Jim's Chip vines are nauseating.

I think thats the goal of the Chip vines.

why such a small tv in his bedroom??????????????????????

Still 10x bigger than Sams

Sitting on a laundry basket... Did he ever upgrade from the Nageltron?

It's a 90 inch tv. His house is just THAT big

Why do vines never work on my computer?

If you are useing Firefox they did an update a little bit ago that messed up vines playing.

So thats the reason.... fuckasses

If you go to the embed page at the bottom it should play or try going into the about:config and change to false.

yeah the embed page worked. thanks mate.


I tried that, many times.

He's not saying twix, he's saying twinks! fucking homerun cumia!

Maybe I missed the joke but what's cringey about that? He's living a dream life. And in 2 minutes his teen girlfriend walks in and sucks his dick.

What she gives up in experience.. she makes up in not being a nagging bitch.



I don't get it either. The guy looks like he's genuinely enjoying his life.


Was he being serious though?

3:30 am


Lil Beavis!

perfect night!


And a prick for porn.