Lil' Jimmy on the newest Mohr Stories podcast.

2  2013-08-26 by [deleted]


About god damn time he put the podcast up. This is what I hate about some podcasts is they record them and then wait a week to put it up. I like what Rogan does. Do it live, and then post it right after.

Yea nerdist times them a lot,which I get. If you can only get your guests to come in a clump you don't want to overload, but I do like how Rogan doesn't stick to a specific day,just whenever

I'm about 30 minutes in, tons of Chippah so far

it was great but listening to jay trying to do chip the whole time was hard.

I love Jay Mohr, but his Chip impression was awful.

Love the Mohr!

Oh great, more 70's movie references on the podcast. Raging Bull lines from Jimmy...... ugh. Shit gets so fucking old. Does he not realize we all aren't 50 years old and Raging Bull hasn't been relevant in over 30 years?

I agree those references can get stale. A well placed Raging Bull reference can be great, but it seems like 95% of Jimmy's references are from things from the 70's and 80's. And I get it, these are things he grew up with and it plays to the room because O&A are older than Jimmy. However, I do think he should try and throw in some new references. I'm 23 and I get almost all of their references because I'm a pop culture nut and majored in Film, but 9/10 people my age won't get what they're talking about and why it's a funny reference. They actually do get new listeners every day, no matter how much they joke about it, so it would be good for them to try and throw in some more relevant references. Too bad Jimmy seems set in his ways, he likes Kiss and Sabbath and all other music sucks and he likes movies from the 70s. Oh well.

What happened with the normal feed this time? I lost it when he moved from Smodcast network, I lost it about a year ago for no known reason, and Dogcatcher hasn't found a new episode from Mohr Stories in 16 days or so, saying that the feed on my phone is newer than the site feed.

I love Jay Mohr, but his Chip impression was awful.