Vos's abusive voicemails to Bonnie

8  2013-08-25 by [deleted]


She has such a sexy fucking voice, too good for Vos

Lischen guyshh, Rich wrote for the Oschcars, ok? He'shh had two comedy shhentral shpeschials, that'sh more than any a yoush guysh have done

I didn't listen, I just want to make the statement that Vos is a liar on air.

Here's the thing, ok

He kills on szchtage, alright?

First of all...

he plays stupid, he messes up words on purpose its so obvious, its like when a 4 year old say shit on accident and all the parents are laughing so the kid keeps doing it a million times to get laughs.

he probably honestly messed up once and saw how they reacted and played it up, im sure he messes up some for real but most of the time you can tell he's trying to mess a word up on purpose.

I really liked her on Last Comic Standing - who doesn't love a gal who says cunt on NBC? Then she married that guy and became dead to me.

And probably dead on the inside, too.