Classic Opie & Anthony: Jimmy Laughing Uncontrollably at Katie Couric's Farewell (05/31/06)

11  2013-08-24 by stevenknight


I couldn't find this on YouTube, so I had to upload and share because it's hysterical. The description:

"Way back in 2006, Katie Couric said goodbye to Matt Lauer and The Today Show. While clips are being played, Opie and Anthony chime in with their instant replay machines to give Jimmy a hearty chuckle. Otto and George in studio."

This reminds me, there was this time they had Sam's mom on the phone, and they kept asking her questions about all the nice expensive things she had just so they could play GODDAMN RICH CUNT at her over and over again.

I wish I could find that. :(

Otto rules. He should be working better shows than kid's birthday parties.