This Subreddit needs a little over 1000 subscribers to have more subscribers than Stern's Subreddit...

7  2013-08-22 by waytogo17

I know that nobody really cares or should care, but it would be cool to say OnA now are more popular on Reddit than the fading, flagging, now family friendly Stern. Should we try and beat them by the end of this year or something? I don't know how we'd get more people to subscribe. And I don't really feel like recruiting the Wackbaggers who are still left over on that old msgboard into this subreddit.


I saw this post 35 minutes ago. I've yet to think of a single thing I give less of a shit about, and I tried really hard.

lol well I did start this post off with "I know nobody really cares or should care." I guess like one sports fan wishing victory and glory over a sports fan of another team, I thought it would be cool to have more subscribers than Stern's. But I agree, it is a pointless contest.

I know nobody cares or should care, but my shit today smelled and looked like burnt tar

You shit a black person?




Who gives a shit? This isn't 1998, the radio wars are over.

There are a lot of people who subscribe to both. I'm not one of them but who really fucking cares about numbers anyways. I come here to talk about O and A not compete with shows I don't listen to.

Firstly, who gives a fuck? Secondly, recruiting? No. Once a subreddit crosses a certain threshold level the quality begins to rapidly deteriorate. It becomes overrun with memes and lowest common denominator bullshit. Personally, I would love it if it stayed at this level forever. We have just the right mix of constantly flowing content, while still small enough not to have descended into retardation. However, it will keep growing regardless, but the slower the better imo.

You make some good points there, I may actually agree with u.

Opie should stomp another cake.

I made a reddit account after over a year of lurking for this. I'm a fuckin queeb.

haha awesome! now we are closer.

From what I can tell is they may have more subscribers but we are a far more active fan base so fuck the numbers.

I think a better numbers goal would be to try and get the trick shot video to 200,000 views. It started at ~60,000 before cakegate, so we've added 24,000 in less than 2 weeks. It's ambitious but can be done.

Nobody cares about this shit because anyone who's visited the their sub knows that more than half actually dislike Stern. I think they have ground to make up on us.

dang, that's a good point.

I'm kind of amazed there's only like 4k.

I'm amazed Stern's Reddit, when he is supposedly by far the most popular thing on Sirius and according to disgruntled Danny J Ross bills multiple times what OnA does, only has 1000 more reddit followers than OnA. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that Stern's fans in general are older and don't use a new thing like reddit? Or maybe it has to do with the fact that so many OnA clips are huge on Youtube so OnA has more of an international audience, although Stern clips are huge on Youtube as well..

I sometimes put a link to this sub on my O&A uploads on YouTube. I don't know if that brought anybody over but I feel like I'm doing my part. Ugh, I'm such a queeb.

Are all the people in this subreddit this retarded?


First, how could you possibly know such a thing? Second, there is no need to subscribe to a subreddit in order to downvote posts or anything else. For example I'm not subscribed to any subreddits, including this one, and I can do anything a subscribed person can do.

dang, that's a good point.