Jimmy's Podcast appearances?

3  2013-08-21 by rjl_

Does anyone have a full list of the podcasts he did during the vacation break? I know he did Rogan, saw mention of Kevin Pollak, and maybe Tom Green and Corrolla. Any others I'm missing?


Jay Mohr and the Nerdist but as far as I know they haven't been posted yet. Also, I've listened to a few nerdist episodes, very hipster humor, LOTS of dead silence and bombs

Jay Mohr's podcast is good if its a comedian or comic actor. Otherwise its all ballwashing.

He's good with musicians too!

I enjoy the Nerdist, only when I am a fan of the guest.

Why wouldn't they post them? He's promoting a special that airs in two fucking days!

Nerdist is one of the only ones I listen to every episode, unless the guest is in a niche I'm not into, although I'm into most. I also love their "hostful" episodes. It's different humor, not as many dick jokes but still makes me laugh

Yeah, I had no idea he even had a podcast until I saw that... which prompted me to wonder which other ones were out there. Will definitely be checking that out... (Slobbo!)

I'm just watching it now. It's fucking great man, he keeps dropping some serious O&A references. Love it. He's like a proper, listen every day, die hard fan.

ya listening now, love pollak. glad he's become somewhat of a regular on the show.

I never cared too much about KP until I learned he was an o&a guy and I was all like... He's a good guy and a great actor and I love his podcast.

he was also on ari shaffirs skeptic tank, it was hilarious they talk about radio

Nice - thanks! Didn't hear about that one...

I couldn't find this podcast. Got a link?

I don't see it posted on Ari's site

I saw that one coming a mile away.

Not obvious or anything


You probably heard it on the show yesterday but here's actual video of Jimmy killing on imus. You can look at the i-man's big dumb cowboy hat.


He was on the Kevin and Bean show which is a radio show in LA I think.

and here he is on that show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLJBYj8PsBQ

It'd be nice to have links in one post to all the shows mentioned on https://www.facebook.com/opieandanthony

Of course I'm too lazy to do it myself. I checked them all when it was first posted and the only one out yet was Rogan.

Jeez, they keep piling up. Yimmy's been busy. Thanks!

on DVDASA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UR6v2XW1oE (I listened to it just for jimmy, but unlike other people I think the hosts were pretty cool too)

How in the hell did he make that trick shot?

I would have made it too if I knew Gregg Hughes was watching me...

pretty sure Jimmy said he did Kevin Smith's pod but hasn't posted it yet

ya listening now, love pollak. glad he's become somewhat of a regular on the show.

Jeez, they keep piling up. Yimmy's been busy. Thanks!