Your 'Call to the Show' story

32  2013-08-21 by [deleted]

I called into the show years ago when the we were first experiencing really high gas prices. The boys were having a conversation where they were shitting on Hilary Clinton because she said that one way to conserve gas was to drive slower (under 60). As someone who drove an 10 cylinder Excursion at the time and had a 40 mile daily commute, I knew that this method of conserving gas was true. I was looking for any way to cut corners as it cost me nearly $140 to fill my tank. So, I decided to call in and back up Hilary's statement and say that from first hand experience, driving under 60 does conserve gas. Well, I made it on the line and they just railed on me. Making fun of me for driving such a big vehicle, claiming I drove in the left lane backing up traffic for miles, not letting anyone pass all because I wanted to save money and conserve gas. And to top it off, Jimmy wished someone would drive up next to me and fire an RPG into my passenger door window.

The reality was I left work 5 minutes earlier and drove in the far right lane to my slow driving on the highway wouldn't be a hinderance to anybody - but they weren't having any of that.

I thought it was fucking hilarious and nerve wracking at the same time. It's amazing how your body gets all hot and panicky knowing your voice will be heard worldwide.

Anyway, any stories of you getting bashed by the boys.


I called in like 2007 when they were on krock and giving away $1000 a day for a month. I think I got through twice and once the screener answered I panicked and hung up.

I also called LFTC when really drunk once and as soon as I heard Ant pick up I panicked and hung up. I then called back and when he picked up again I started to talk but was too drunk to form words so I think I said "errhhaaayyyyy" and then hung up and he was like WTF?

I suck.

that is the most adorable story.

Too drunk to talk? Anthony are you calling your own show?


Not on the show, but I went to see the xm show once and when me and my friend got in the elevator it was me,her, and none other than vos and Colin Quinn. Me and my friend just looked at each other and smiled,no words needed to be said. Vos then went on to trash my entire outfit. It was awesome,and it was all off air.

Vos is a funny dude despite him coming off like a dolt on the show. His stand up show is one of the best I've seen.

No. Vos is a moron. The fact that he's so damned funny on stage is what makes him a savant.

Outside of comedy I'm surprised he can breath without assistance.



That also!

This same friend just saw his standup act for first time. She said he's very different than on the show and was hilarious.

I called in to wish them all the best and 3 days later I was riddled with AIDS

It happens


Is that really you? I remembered when that happened live.


So uhhh, how did the whole radio/Preston & Steve thing work out?

It would actually be kinda cool if you reached out to Jim during his AMA on Friday to give him an update (if things are better though) since he definitely was your main opposition there.


i'm guessing deep down,you're still a douche.


Oof. Yeah that was a bad one.

HA Ha that is such a classic call. you were really hateable and a fun call to bash, but at the same time you could hear you were going through some bad stuff and it was just a meltdown.

On the plus side, you can say you were roasted by professional comedians.

That was bruuutal.

I like how you started with "Hey fat Jimmy", it sounded like that really hit a nerve with the work out kid.

My favorite part about that call is how you tried to insult Jimmy by bringing up the fact that he wrote two books.

Kudos for throwing this out there even though you knew it would make you look bad.

Holy fuck... You could have at least made that call using Chip's voice.


I love when minor O and A celebrities post!

Ive listened to this clip more then once.....I feel bad now hahaha.

I never called. The callers are idiots.

This x 1000. 99.5% of the callers are mentally retarded.

I'd say most of the listeners are mentally retarded and I'll even include myself here.

Correction: 99.5% of ALL callers to any SiriusXM channels are lonely OTR truckers.

So... mentally retarded?

I agree the callers are pretty stupid, and it's fun to listen to Ant yell over them when they have no idea what the fuck they're talking about. I'd never call in, but I do tweet them occasionally.

I have asked Ant what he was watching on TV, and he said Lord of the Rings.

I have also tweeted at OpieRadio "Hello" and had it retweeted, only because Opie said he'd retweet the first 10 people.

i called live from the compound and bombed terribly.

Same. I called in after the Bobo puke fiasco. Ant wasn't there, but Paul and the Brooklyn dude were. I pretended to be Bobo calling from the couch upstairs, but everyone just looked puzzled by my terrible impression. Then Paul said that was terrible and everyone was just disappointed.

Don't you wish that experience could be conveyed to like 80% of reddit users?

same here haha.

Did ya?

I did.


Years ago I would try to call any time Adam Ferrara was in because he was the presenter in a really terrible straight to VHS 'sexiest home videos' that my dad made in the early 90s. I thought (and still do) it would be a funny thing for them to goof on, but they would never take the call. I gave up and haven't called in like 10 years.

What were the videos?

it was supposed to be like america's funniest home videos but they were somehow 'naughty' and they were all staged and fake and awful. Like a 'wife' doing a striptease and falling over something or someone going to get something from a car at a picnic and people banging in the car sort of tumble out LOL...i remember them tinting the windows of our car for that one. Adam would intro the videos and joke about them...I haven't seen these in like 15 years so it's fuzzy.

I don't call, but have been slammed on air by Ant, Colin, Bawby and Jim. Felt good.

'Oh yeah, that asshole.'

I called in and won a pair of myvu glasses in like 2009 (totally useless things!) and was having a bit of banter with the OnA when Jim Jeffries called me a cunt. Opie jokingly defended me (I throw the annual FH Rileys Fan Christmas party) and Jeffries said "I'm just joking, I'm sure she's a really nice girl." I'd say that was my favorite call.

There was another time I called in when Patrice was still alive and I made him chuckle. Big A had sent me the audio but the link is dead so I can't share it with you. Wah.

I didn't bomb but it was just fleeting information which I think is worse.

Even on the rundown it just showed up as "phone calls and says _____". bleh

Had a line I wanted to deliver and when they answered because of my name they made a Shining joke which screwed me up so I got nervous and screwed up my line.

Called last year. They were talking about space and trippy shit and I mentioned the theory that my stoner friend had told me about with the infinite universe theory and every time you dream you're basically channeling another universe/dimension.

Of course it's crap but it got them off on a tangent about funny dreams. They ended up hanging up on me because I was still talking.

turn off your radio!

after a long night of partying (i'm from Germany = NYC+6h) i tried to call into the last LFTC show, because people were tweeting about it going on (bobo house party) but had no luck.

more and more obsessed with it, being drunk and witnessing the greatest live clusterfuck ever, i kept on calling using call-repeat.

but then i fucked up, and accidentally called my ex-girlfriend's number (fucking up the right combination of clicks on the mobile phone, for those who need over-explanations).

of course i really bombed horribly, as i didn't want to commit to being drunk and misdialing or talk about anything worth a call at such an early hour (probably 7:00AM).

i tried to back it up with inane made-up bullshit, that may possibly make sense, like supposedly ''seeing'' her earlier at the same club blabla, wanting to catch up, but she ''left'' etc.

she didn't buy it, and i guess i would have neutron-bombed the hell out of any compound live-call. i then decided never to call O&A or the advice show ever, because sober and drunk, there is not too much difference in my mental abilities.

I was pretty sure I was the only one in Germany listening to O&A. I'm glad there are others, though.

i'm in berlin. where do you reside?

I called in 2008 during the "walking on sunshine" break (bit about the girl from intervention addicted to huffing computer cleaner). I went to high school with her, she had dated one of my friends, so I actually knew her fairly well.

Anyways, they put me right on and I told them how she was a bitch in high school and was probably faking most of the show (given her history of drama, and penchant for attention whoring). They just laughed and killed me saying how I must just be bitter because she wouldn't sleep with me.

Overall good experience, no matter how pertinent your info is you're never gonna get by without a good ribbing from one of them. You have to expect that going in.

Yeah, even though they killed me, relentlessly, I thought it was fucking hilarious. It was an honor for Jim to say he wished my truck was RPG'd while I was driving on the highway.

Only call that ever got through was when Sam had Rob Cross answering unscreened calls on the shit show. I was on hold waiting to be on air, when my shitty HTC Thunderbolt decided to randomly reboot.

I have however been on-air with Ron and Fez three times (once to mock Fez's pronunciation of "nuclear", once to mention they'd skipped John Goodman on their list of best supporting actors of all time, and once to mention 'Signs' as a movie that had a great first 2 acts and a terrible 3rd one. Ron suggested that I wanted M Night to shit in my mouth on that one).

I got through on LFTC on the July 6th show, but Ant was off fingering a middle schooler or something so I just spoke to No Filter Paul and some random douche. My friend called in four times that night and managed to talk to DeRosa and Ant.

I called in to lftc when fucking Danny was on, and tried my best to ruin his night. It may not have been me, but the room banded together and got him all kinds of pissed off.

I also talked to anthony when he was stuck at home during the power outage last year, he saw trying to call in to the show but the phones were down. I called to suggest Skype, which he started saying it was laggy and some other complaint. I said "ok man just trying to help" then he lightened up and was nice before he abruptly hung up on my ass.

I called in twice. First time they put me on hold, which was the live show about 45 seconds before the radio broadcast it, so I was sitting in a parking lot half-listening before Ai realized I was no longer listening to O&A, I was listening to the screener try and ask me questions, but by the time I realized it he hung up.

Second time was when I went to the Honeless Shopping Spree at the Palisades Mall. (The one with Half a Hulk Face and Greywolf did a life performance of Shelter Me with a guitar in a music shop)

Anyway, Opie took my call with "This guy has a great point! Dave in NJ:"

I pointed out that I was pulling into the largest shopping mall on the Eastern Seaboard, on the last Friday of the last full weekend before Christmas, two hours before closing, and there were a lot more cars leaving the mall than pulling in.

Ant and Jim loved it and Ant said "Yeah, Hulk-face would have that effect !"

I then meekly stammered "punchingoutguys" and hung up to listen to myself

Oh, and at the end, after they tried desperately to leave Erock behind, the crowd stayed a few minutes before dispersing, and it was a pretty rowdy group of people who had been drinking in the mall's bars for a while, sharing shots with Tippy Tom. Anyway, everyone surrounded (respectfully, plenty of room) a really hot chick and chanted "Whip em out! Whip em out!"

She declined, and as they walked away her really fat friend turned and lifted her shirt and bra up over her head and screamed "WHOOOO!" and most of us turned away disgusted and one guy stared at her and threw up.

I didn't sleep well after that.

out guys"

And to top it off, Jimmy wished someone would drive up next to me and fire an RPG into my passenger door window.

You have no idea how hard that made me laugh.

When he said that I was laughing on air like a little bitch. Anthony was funny, too, just can't remember them cause Jim's comments overshadowed everybody else's.

Lady Trucker: Comment?

I called once when the Wiener scandal was just breaking. I said that Wiener would still get re-elected because the voters of NY are dummies - they keep voting in Charlie Rangel. Ant asked if I was trying to rile him up. I said no.

Pretty dull. But at least no one called and said "THAT LAST GUY'S AN ASSHOLE!"

Called years ago when Vos was talking about how he thinks the neighbor is fucking Bonnie because he knew what color tiles he had in the kitchen. Opie prefaced my call by pulling out the old "this is Gregg Hughes, the actor who plays Opie" bit. I suggested that perhaps the neighbor was fucking Vos' daughter.

I also called during the bit with Patrice where they were naming made up gourmet foods like hummingbird tongues. I said gorilla pecs. Patrice laughed, my year was made.

I believe I remember that bit with Patrice. Good job.

I called from Seattle to agree with Rogan about Sasquatch a month or so ago. My only "evidence" was some tree markings I was staring at for 20 minutes while on shrooms during a hike, a week or so before I called. I didn't even get my story out cuz I was also super high during the call and sounded like a retard... got hung up on and deservingly trashed. Luckily it was brief.

I remember the segment and vaguely remember someone getting trashed

I had an instant message read over the air, but they didn't say my name... unless there were others who sent the same thing into them during the "Cathleen, put your god-damn clothes back on" escapade.

I had one read on-air when they were talking about ice-cream bonnets. I wrote on the O&A Instant Feedback app that the product was called "Magic Shell", but I had mistakenly misspelled my name on the app, so I didn't get true credit. But Op said, "Thanks brother" to me on-air :)

so I got nervous and screwed up my line.

Dude... that and the ticket master service charge was one of the best things the show ever did.

That was quite the classic bit. Too bad he-who-will-not-be-named tried to make it all about himself.

I called in a while ago when they talked about Sam's urogenital issues as a child. It was medical neglect on his mother's part.


Called the Compound one night, talked about hair follicles that are strategically placed on your head. And also the current morning show on WAAF in Boston, Talked for a few minutes , it was cool, Ant was bombed and totally funny.


I called in to LFTC, i forgot which one it was but basically it was all about watching world star hip hop videos, it was about a year ago. I was nervous as hell, but i dont think he or listeners would be able to tell. I talked about an experience with a black lady and her kids at a bus stop in miami. The call went well and I think I was the last caller than night. I remember I was drinking boxed wine and pacing around my apt when I was on with him.

Oh and I've never even attempted to call the actual show, LFTC is way less intimidating. I have interacted with ant in the paltalk room but thats not the same.

I don't call but I did harass ant on compound show once until he laughed at one of my jokes and told me to shut it , lol , I felt special for all of 1 second!


Opie read my tweet during the Boston Bomber Early Morning Manhunt show, which stated (erroneously) that the sole surviving bomber was hiding in a basement typing over twitter "I'll kill you all." So for like 5 minutes it was like an action movie, and I was the guy with the big scoop. Then they realized it was just heat-of-the-moment shit and they called me an asshole and that was it.

i posted this a few months ago, but here's me on the "Kids snooping through their parents stuff" bit from WNEW. i was a much more confident boy back in the day. i'd probably be a stuttering muttering prick now.

I called once when it was just Opie and Sam. Might have been 2010? They were discussing how hot Megan Fox was. So I called and told them to check out her toe thumbs. Opie just shrugged it off like it was no big deal. Then earlier this year they were talking about her again, and Opie brings up how ugly her thumbs are. I was like WTF?

i called into Live From the Compound when they were watching Toddlers and Tiaras. I said that one of the little shits dad didnt have an arm. It went over well. I think Ant really enjoyed that call.

I bet he didn't.

so I got nervous and screwed up my line.

Dude... that and the ticket master service charge was one of the best things the show ever did.

I had one read on-air when they were talking about ice-cream bonnets. I wrote on the O&A Instant Feedback app that the product was called "Magic Shell", but I had mistakenly misspelled my name on the app, so I didn't get true credit. But Op said, "Thanks brother" to me on-air :)

I was pretty sure I was the only one in Germany listening to O&A. I'm glad there are others, though.