Ant gets a weapon named after him in Saints Row IV.

81  2013-08-20 by C-Ron


I don't see "spaghetti launcher" anywhere on that list.

Double guns homerun chippah.

We get it he's black.

I was expecting a dildo

Isolate that.

.45 Fletcher?

Isn't that the bitter cunt from Wackbag?


Why did you comment if you didn't recognize the name?


Why did you comment if you didn't understand the question?


You rang?

lol that is pretty cool. Has Ant acknowledged this on the show or on twitter?

he retweeted it earlier today

Did they do promos for them?

holy shit. that's awesome

Tsss. More like E, F,or G Fault, or sumthin'. Tsss. Take us to break, Tubby Tits! Tsss.

I saw that when I was playing last night! My first thought was "Ant?!" but then figured it was maybe some reference I didn't get.

Magnum, like the condoms his huge dong needs. i get it. i wonder what its tag line will be. I'm going to guess

"Why don't you just behave!"

I think this might be very inside, can anyone explain?

Oh sure, it's not inside at all. It's just his last name, buddy.

Lol didn't see that.

Yeah, it may have helped if OP actually highlighted the gun he was referencing as opposed to the one below it.

He did highlight it. There are three types of Cumia Magnum, he highlighted the first type, the Default.

Ahhh, I see. My bad.