Monday is almost here!

27  2013-08-18 by thermitepaint

This has been the longest week of my Opie & Anthony listening career. To much has been going on this week for them to be off. With the cake smashing and Danny talking shit I can't wait! Anyone else ready for tomorrow?


A WEEK?? Try being one of us that were around between S4S3 and the XM reincarnation .... surviving on whatever scraps of audio we could find out there.

Kids today.

Me x100. This has been the longest vacation week ever.

If opie mentions the basketball video, then ill be happy



He did a retweet about the video and this sub reddit so he might

I like Opie, I really do... but I can't help but think that this story will drag on lethargically tomorrow when it's addressed. Unfortunately his versions of stories would fail to inspire the turning of a page in a book.

I just want a shout out to this subreddit.

He gave one on his twitter. I wouldn't doubt he will mention the fan retribution, whether or not specifically to us fine folk... I would bet not.

ant saying fuck danny recently is all we will hear...sadly :(

ERock and Sam will have a SummerSlam break and Travis will have a A-Rod getting plunked by the Red Sox break and we spend an hour ripping about John Sterling home run calls...

Actually it should be an interesting day, wonder if Reddit community remembers the outrage and calls in, and Opie takes it.

Nothing has happened beside a cacophony of tapping keyboards.

I wish the cake thing wouldn't have started until later.

He will probably be mad and stuff on air, but if it were all happening at the same time it would have been a classic.

No one really cares about the cake shit at this point.

Yeah but this is Opie...he really has nothing to say ever so he's been dieing to talk about this on air all week, he finally got some traction on his own show.

I'm gonna be so disappointed if they gloss over the Opie incident. I hope they have a lot to say about it.

They won't gloss over Opie. I strongly believe they won't address Danny though. He knows too much behind the scenes shit they don't want to air and I think they'd rather not go down that road.


He ranted on facebook about how much Opie sucks.


This. I missed it. Did he tweet or something?

Don't think they'll mention the Danny thing, but I'd love them to....I'm ever so patiently waiting for a BRUTAL danny beat down on air, lord knows there's so much that's not even revealed yet


he just did it hahaha


What Danny thing?


are you sure they are back? they have been promoting an all request best of show on the 26th

Yeah well good thing today is the 19th

seems if not for Jimmy's special they would have been gone this week

Opie just shouts out to the fans on Reddit. Good for him

Drilling in the point that this wasn't a random guy, this was a guy they knew, for the show, they've done this many times to other people, including Sandy Kane, and none of them were particularly offended most of the time

People who don't even listen to the show criticize and pontificate off their damn soapbox about how this was "immoral" and "classless", how about you listen to the show more regularly before you judge off your high horse

I think they're on vacation this week too. SiriusXM was running a commercial all weekend saying that it was listener's choice best of this week.

No, they return tomorrow.

OMG guys! Tomorrow is going to be like Christmas morning. I can't wait to hop in my car and commute tomorrow.

meh, who gives a care.

Somebody has a case of the Mondays.


Doesn't get the overwhelming vibe of the sub guy.


That was a weird response.

Doesn't get the overwhelming vibe of the sub guy.