Opie vs Jimmy from 2005. A huge argument where they repeat the same thing to each other for 40 minutes

25  2013-08-18 by abeezmal


Don't worry they shared a java log in Opie's Apartment and everything was ok. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLINGER LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGER

Got into their jammies, sipped some wine and hit on the firemen who came to take care of the smoke.

"I don't know, asshole, because I wasn't here that day, fuckface!"

You can tell the Opster came from a large family.

It's amazing how Opie is wrong in every single argument I've heard on the show. He's such a flawed personality.

Well...he thinks someone yelling 'faggot' is a valuable argument tactic.

Both guys were acting petty, but notice it's just Opie who uses personal insults and name-calling. Same thing with the Opie/Anthony fight later on.

I thought Opie was pretty even keeled with the Opie/Ant fight. It was Ant who kept changing the subject when he looked bad saying stuff like "okay, we are here now, but let's go back to where we started from."

I don't remember this fight. Is it online? When did it happen?

Oh I do remember that. It sounded so fake and put on I thought it was a bit. Are you sure it was not then just messing with the audience.

leave it alone

Ugh, that trick shot again. Real link.

with Anthony ref'ing lol

Opie was such an ass here and Jimmy should've stuck to the topic and argued his point better

Here's the entire fight over the two days

Still one of my favorite animations: http://youtu.be/5cfMPDfOmPA

Opie is amazingly disingenuous in this argument. He comes off as a prima donna who won't be criticized.

ha ive heard this before it really is fucking repeptetive

Ah, I still remember Ant posting on Wackbag while this was happening. Miss those days.

I wish we got the lowdown on Staff fights more often. I wonder all the shit that happens off the air that we never hear about. Like recently when Mars and Danny were fighting Sam had to repeatedly say "remember we are on the air" to them so they wouldn't say anything about what got Derek D-Boi fired. In addition we never know what is truly going on between Opie and Anthony.

the OnA book my friend, it will be the best tell all of all time, well atleast for us.

And we still don't know why Opie and Ant got into that fight the weekend after Danny was fired and Ant was at F.H. Reilly's tweeting about not getting fast/free service.

We still don't know why Danny and Ant aren't talking to each other either. I love these fights on air. I think management tries to bury them. They buried the Ant vs Opie on replay.

Not an Opie hater but he really comes off as a passive aggressive boob in this. Ant nailed it.

XM cut this from the rebroadcast

In my opinion this video of the Opie/Jimmy fight should have won the animation contest. too bad it didn't. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cfMPDfOmPA

One of the better on-air fights.

Anthony reverted to a six year old, and sat traumatized in the corner.

Comment, u/Opiesucks?