New to this Sub - I just discovered it!

19  2013-08-16 by sackman1886

I just found this Sub, and I can't believe it. I am so happy I want to cry.


Familiarize yourself with This before posting. Thanks.

Pertinent to any newcomer. Could it be posted, like the 18+ check on porn subs, before entry?

Pissy eyed faggot... Welcome. Now shut the Fuck up

I knew I would like it here...

Jee-zus Christ.

Son of a bitch.

a queeb or a quay.

Nothing works here. The medications don't work. I hate this place. I've been here for seven years!

Nothing works here. The medications don't work. I hate this place. I've been here for seven years.

I've been here for seven yuueeers

This guy rules.

what's the context of this?

This was a audio drop that Opie frequently played. Usually in the context of complaining about stuff not working properly in-studio, etc. This is the documentary it's from.


Ow fuck, my knee dude... hold my fuckin' hand, man

Step one to another fat.

I'm absolutely cryin over here.


Not now, Ant.

13/f/the compound

too old. out.

Oh Jill.

Familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of this sub. I think you'll have fun.


God damn it!

Pretty much any Patrice appearance can go down in history....

Sackman, comment?

What, is he made of sack or sumptin?!

Play us out, fatboy!

Go easy on him, Chippah!

Cry baby cry...make your mother cry...RAAAAAAAVIII.

Ol' puddin head

sounds just like RAAAAAAVIIII


Yeah, this is a pretty good place to discuss O&A. Seems like all the message boards have mostly disappeared and Wackbag has become the same five people bitching about how awful the show is.

Be sure to stay away on your cakeday.

What happens?

Opie will stomp on the cake next to your username.

Why I did not get this reference right off the bat makes me sick.

RAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOONE...stomp his face for not getting the reference immediately.

It's a new one. Give it time.

Cool, what's your favorite bit from the show?

I can't say I have a favorite...

But there are 2 Uncle Paul bits that kill me... 1. Uncle Paul describing how he plays Turkey Foot, and everyone is creeped out by it... 2. Uncle Paul on the phone about Jerry Sandusky with another caller, and there appears to be a technical problem and they can't seem to hang up on Uncle Paul who keeps chiming in the whole time.

Fuckin' kills me...

doesn't work that great in type but you get the idea, dummy

My favorite Uncle Paul bit was him discussing handing out candy for Halloween.

Through your tears.

Haha thanks! I wonder... How were his knees???

Did ya?

how gives a fuck you spamming shitdick. enjoy your time here

Treat yourself to dinner and a show.

It's a new one. Give it time.

RAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOONE...stomp his face for not getting the reference immediately.
