maaaaan, this has been great.

37  2013-08-16 by [deleted]

I don't have the energy to participate these days (and im not as funny as some of you fucks) but the reaction to cakegate from this sub has been fucking beautiful. It's awesome to see that the pest mentality is alive and well.

Good job boys. Fuckin' good job.


It's been the best thing that's happened to this subreddit as far as attendance and content goes...I can't wait for Monday's show.

I hope OP touches on this. Fuuuuck yah.

EDIT: OnA were big on the msg boards in the day. It would be great if OP would give us a shout out!

He retweeted a link to that /r/rage thread.

Also retweeted a link thats on /r/videos

I have a feeling he's gonna smash Reddit as a whole

this and the kain carter thing was a nice one two punch.

I mean this shit, spamming the basketball video, sheeeeit. That's fucking great. The sidebar pic, fuckin' great. That's why I still love the show and still love you guys.

Man the no-look basketball shot has been popping up all over the place. I saw it on a thread on /r/baseball and /r/movies the other day. KEEP IT UP!!!

I've heard about this stuff from listening to older shows when they are on break and before I started listening to podcasts. After their website was pretty much ignored and Steve leaving I didn't think we would see the crazed fan anymore.

This has been some of the funniest shit I've ever been a part of. The amount of trolls who are O&A fans is staggering. Also pretty sure Opie's stupid basketball video has a few million views at this point.

You guys are evil geniuses, I'm happy to consider myself one of your psychos.

OnA Party Rock

You rang?



it's oos

sorry. oos.


Anarchy radio!!!

My burner accounts haven't gotten this much use ever. This was definitely a nice change of pace for the sub and pests. I don't remember the last time this kind of thing happened.

Fuck you and your name

He stinks and I don't like him.

On Monday do you think we could even force opie to go to his basketball video

Yeah, good work. I've been taking the week off so I've been unable to participate in many attacks towards haters, but I appreciate the work you've all done, specifically the attack on that Seattle clown.

That dummy onehundredjobs woman made BooTube...a site that showcases the worst videos

Looks like most or all of her video are on there - Ha Ha! The internet hates her.

Someone might want to tweet it to her.


Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Here's a link to an awesome thread in /r/rage.