Has Cakegate given you a new opinion about Redditors?

14  2013-08-15 by [deleted]


No, I always knew they were whiny, PC, slacktivist cunts. Just look at how many times the word "bullying" gets tossed around.

Same exact thing happened when Rush Limbaugh called that girl a whore or whatever. Reddit can't separate reality from a radio bit.


Have to disagree a bit about the privacy thing. Most of the people that are against the invasion of privacy by government (and various corporate entities) are pissed because they didn't consent to having their information out there. However, if you post about your private life somewhere, you are the one who chose to do it. The issue is about consent, not about privacy per se.

What about when they get so pissed at someone they doxx them and put all their personal shit on display? I saw them do this the other day over in /r/gaming because a guy reposed something a few hours after the original post.

All those fucks who tried to pull Limbaugh's sponsors can blow me. I DONT LIKE WHAT YOU SAY BUT ILL DEFEND TO THE DEF UR RITE 2 SAY IT. Guess not, jizzbags. ITS THE FREE MARKET. No it isn't. You weren't consumers of him in the first place.

Yea, I don't listen to Rush, but I don't care what he says either way. The guy is mostly character anyway, like Ann Coulter.

Don't listen either. Only right wing personality I can stomach is O'Reilly. That being said a little consistency from other people on the left would be nice.

What he just said

I read this post and agreed than i read your username so i re read it in valley chip voice and i died laughing and agreed more.

I've never thought the word "fag" so much in my life.

Not even in the mirror?

Edit: never mind. You're a woman. Maybe.

No, I can confirm she is a woman. She was a former show personality known as Lady Trucker.

it just enforced my pre-conceived views. i have more respect for genocidal dictators, than i have for some of reddit's proto-trisomia 21 hipster slacktivist attention whoring liberals. i can't even describe the cesspool of shit, that is a front-page reddit user. mrrepzion and davison even look exactly like the persons they represent to be. aging attention whore and bullying victim.

Probably wouldn't have to deal with faggy social justice PC activist cunts if Hitler won, just saying.

deal with constant fear of being sent to a camp.

Yes it has somewhat.

I used to think them as being whining narcissistic hive-mind fag cunts, now I regard them as clueless whining narcissistic hive-mind fag cunts.

Not all of them. This kind of behavior is mocked on certain subreddits.

Until they ruined /r/circlejerk

Ah yes. The good old days of /r/niggers

I miss it.

No people want to bitch about things and "make their voice heard" when in reality they are terrified of their own decisions and lack thereof.

Not specifically reddit, but just slacktivism in general. I'm more surprised this wasn't tumblr, knowing how much they care about "Muh feelings".

yeah me too. what surprised me most is the level of outrage in relation to how out of context people took this video. what the majority of people saw in this video was not the actual reality of what happened. most people had no idea the actual relationship andrew and/or sandy has/had with the show and when they were confronted with the fact that they were taking it out of context they simply reject. thats where i personally said fuck it, when i realized that even when confonted with the actual reality of the situation people just said "whatever, still shitty."

so what got me really in the mindfuck part was that people, when confronted with the reality of the context, would rather continue being outraged than just admit that they did not know the context and made a knee-jerk reaction call to it.

No, they've always been this way. It's why I mostly refrain from saying anything that's not a jokey comment. I don't want to hear from some passionate college kid about how the world really works.

After this week's fake outrage over the cake video I was pretty much over Reddit. But today, after browsing the front page and seeing what ranks as popular, in this case, cartoons of the founding fathers and everyone thinking they were hilarious, sealed the deal. This place has officially jumped the shark. I'll stick to this subreddit and the professional one I subscribe to, that's it. The front page is full of real life Chip Chipperson's.

Edit: no typing douche that I am, missed a word.

Founding fathers. xD

This place has officially jumped the shark.

Reddit jumped the shark in 2010 when Digg migrated over to it. I would have left long ago if it weren't for the fact that reddit actually has a way of isolating yourself off from the worst elements of the site. If you stray outside of your small group of subreddits, though, you're in for a shock at just how bad the quality and the content is.

There is a vast amount of (varying quality) girls taking and posting pics of their snatches that I very much appreciate.

Past that (and here) they can all get fucked.

The best way to view Reddit: anytime there is a stupid feel-good back-patting "tear-jerker" post on the front page, go to the most downvoted comments. Those serve for some prime entertainment.

Just the other day with that pointless photo of the "troops coming home" that was at the top and all the top comments were "thank you for your service!" or "thank you for protecting our freedom!", the ones hidden way down at the bottom were actually entertaining and worth reading. Same with every other boring photo with some sob-story attached.

Cakegate has shown me that O&A fans are my kinda people.

A bunch of butthurt sheep who think they are alternative and edgy. But in reality they are just like everyone else. Thank Ted Christ for the smaller subreddits who can thnk for themselves!


No, I already knew reddit is full of self righteous autistic neckbeards who like to pat each other on the back on how great they are. Socially retarded shitbags who literally have no clue.

Can't tell if it is just because reddit is full of 16 year olds on summer break or just socially stunted nerds.

hive-mind at its best is what reddit is, with short attention span.

Like a group of retarded school children.


What I don't understand about them, is WHO THE FUCK has that much time on their hands to give a shit what one guy did seven years ago.

Children on summer break.

Actually, yeah, my opinion has changed. I come to reddit for laughs or some quick porn, so it seemed like everybody had a good sense of humor in most corners of reddit. Cakegate has opened my eyes to the very un-funny people that seem to want to be white knights at all costs. sigh bottom line: O&A fans are my kind of people.

There's still some good corners away from the main subs. /r/creepypms is one such example.

i rarely go to any other subreddit but this one so i never knew how bad it was.

this is the best corner of reddit, not too many people and everyone here shares a weird bond cause of the show, all the other subreddits seem more like youtube comments, this seems like a small message board.

I go to other corners, but they're largely sports-related. I avoid the investigative part of reddit, as well as anything political. Nothing but trouble there.

I always knew they were a bunch of faggots but I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Now just like in my personal life I am making a pledge to offend anyone I can. I'm tired of this whiny, PC, horseshit culture we live in. Reddit really is just a mirror image of where today's society is going, and frankly we're doomed. Therefor I have stopped giving a shit and will be as much of an annoying, offensive, nuisance as possible to anyone I think is deserving. Fuck 'em.

Same, if anything, all of this shit, among other things, is just making me want to be a bigger cunt.

In a fun way though.


There's always some ass who tries to relate to the topic by writing a 10 page story.

It explains why I unsubbed from many of the defaults so long ago.

Just reinforced the one I had before. They're a bunch of self-righteous moral crusaders and thought crime police.

Lucky for the rest of us, they also have the attention span of houseflies.

Unfortunately, that's more than enough time to get innocent people stigmatized online as Boston bombing suspects.

it was no surprise seeing the flood of white knights wanting to be morally superior buttinskies.

No, I've known they were an infuriating moralistic hive mind since the Boston Witch Hu -- err, bombing

No. Go read any other videos thread about bullies, police, animals, etc and you see all the whiny cunts.


I used to think reddit was really dumb, now I think it's really fucking dumb.

Except this delightful board of course.

Partially... But what are you going to do?

i didn't think i'd have the emotional reaction to it that i did. i wished someone would have punched opie in his mouth the second that the did it. also have less of an opinion of jim for the excuses he made for it on jre.

A bit of irony with reddits witch hunt on opie. Then o&a fans attacking people but at least o&a fans know their scumbags right?

We don't all work blue.

all of us except you


The one potential hypocrisy that I realised today is regarding the Patrice thief, Kain Carter. We claimed redditors had phony outrageover some guy who made a career out of being an asshole. We now have outrage (phony?) over some guy who is making a career out of joke theft (ie being an asshole). I'm not entirely sure what the difference is. We, like redditors, want to end the guy's livelihood and would like to see his YT channel attacked and eventually shut down.

We don't think our outrage is phony, but neither did they. They felt justified because in their eyes they saw a person doing a horrific act towards a homeless man. We feel our outrage is justified because we feel that profiting of joke theft, particularly against Patrice, is unforgivable. People are different and get upset about different things. We called their outrage phony since we knew it was just the cause du jour and would be forgotten tomorrow. I completely forgot about Kain after the intial posts, until today when the 3rd video was posted.

I'm not in anyway trying to defend reddit. I think they are massive faggots and their reaction to cakegate was hilarious. I am just trying to understand how our reaction to Kain is any different. If someone could tell me, it would help a lot, so I can go back to feeling superior to the whiny cunts.



Sir, we don't tolerate that kind of tawdry behavior...we uphold a code of conduct. Now go hit the bricks, toots...

im just saying i still think that reddit white kights are fucking fedora wearing cunts and im a cunt but i admit it and know when im wrong redditers dont

Ironic that you're posting this on .... reddit.