Ray Willian Johnson, the "what do you guys think?" - youtube douche features the cake removal video

16  2013-08-15 by jim_valley


Out of every response to this video, rwj has been the only one who even gave opie a chance, and understood the context of the video

I still hope RWJ falls in a well full of used AIDS needles. But... part of me thinks he gets it. And that's okay with me.

This guy is huge on Youtube. This is actually probably way better exposure for Opie than being part of a Reddit witch hunt. That RWJ video is almost guaranteed 500,000 views or a million if not more.

This wasn't that bad.


Published on Aug 14, 2013

Comments (6,948)


10,035,182 subscribers


I don't care if this guy sucks, that is great exposure.

Yeah, but have you looked at the comments - it's the same hive mind

For those who think "lets fuck with this guy", don't. Watch the full video, he tries to give the facts as best as he knows and by the looks of it, he kinda leans towards the show's side of things.

Minus the whole Sandy Kane being homeless, and the suspension mostly being the fault of Charlie, he did a damn good job at researching the facts. I'm honestly surprised he didn't do any bashing.

He even skips the chucking dollar bills at him part, which I feel is kind of the most damning.

Yeah, lets only "fuck with " people who don't share our circlejerking mentality and who are big meanyheads that say bad things about Opie.

Hey, Shitbag, not a fan of the show? Looks like you are familiar with downvotes, have some more.

Oh noes...not the downvotes!!!!1! I think I'll go cry

Snake eyes rolled, "FUCK YOU!" words spoken by Anthony Cumia.

no talent fuck, I never understood why he gets the views he gets on youtube

That video was pointless. He just recapped the situation and then asked "what do you think?"

Opie smashed a cake, too far or just a bit what do you think? - Harvey Levin

Why or why not?

I think it's because he was one of the first on Youtube in that genre. I tried watching him, but couldn't stand his personality.

He is just like Harvey Levin.

Gregg "Opie" Hughes jumped on a homeless man cake and reddit calls him an asshole. Do you think he was? Why/why not?

Fucking yuck.

I can't stand that.

I clicked on this video expecting to hear more Opie basing but he actually presented a relatively fair opinion about the incident. As much as I want to I can't really hate the guy.

eric theparkourguy 4 seconds ago

that is mean because thehomles man was beging money to buy the cake and then the money he got he buyed the cake and then hetried to be nice and they just fucking rouined it fucking dick they should be in jail by now like if you agree

The average intelligence on this comment section...

Wow I always hated this guy, but I'm very impressed by his take on this. I have a feeling that he or people close to him are fans of the show.

He mentions the Condi Rice Rape controversy. Wasn't that because a homeless guy said he wanted to rape her on the air?

Harvey Levin: Was homeless Andrew going to rape Condoleezza Rice after he ate that cake? Did Opie prevent a possible rape? What do you guys think?

Check out Opies twitter on this. Right now. twitter.com/OpieRadio

Jesus christ I have no idea why I'm sitting there trying to argue with fools in the comments but the number of "LETS KILL THEM" posts is fucking ridiculous. Murder seems like a logical response right guys? Come play in the comments with me if you want :)

This is the most boring controversy in the show's history.

R&F>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>O&A any day of the week.

Why not both? Now go get your fuckjn shine box

Ron and Fez tends to be a bit more high brow and interesting.

And while Fez's personal problems are annoying as all hell, i find O&A's constant bitching about their jobs and their general lack of enthusiasm to be really grating. I've stopped listening to O&A because of that.

people love to be angry. It's so funny, I almost have a hard on

Do we really want this guy's page Jocktobered? (Assuming that's why you're posting it.) He's the only person who's actually presented this situation fairly.

Oh, I didn't even watch the video.

I still hope RWJ falls in a well full of used AIDS needles. But... part of me thinks he gets it. And that's okay with me.