Opie & Anthony Search and Destroy

2  2013-08-14 by thermitepaint

For those who don't know Opie & Anthony filmed a pilot show for Comedy Central back in 2008 which never aired. It was supposed to be a scavenger hunt type show featuring various comedians and hosted by O&A. Does anyone know if they ever released the pilot episode, or if you can download it anywhere? I'd really like to see it.


I can already smell the basketball trick shot links

Talking of amazing basketball trick shots, this has got to be the best I ever saw.

you're ruining the surprise

I managed to find an old trailer but nothing else


I don't think that will see the light of day

I emailed comedy central once asking about the show, got no response.

I knew this was a reach and the pilots most likely not available for whatever reason. I guess the next best thing to do is pester Opie & Anthony about it on twitter until I get a response.

East Side Dave has it on DVD waiting to be released. I'm sure for $10 he would.

Goddammit I miss that kid. The Saturday night show is just not enough.