Jim Norton AMA on the 23rd!

95  2013-08-12 by CynicalBanjoBear


I hope the angry people are nice to little Jimmy, he's a sensitive boy and doesn't like to be shouted at.

His responses are going to be so golden. This is just a perfect setup for little jimmay, idiot hiveminders mauling their keyboards with their hobbit fingers in a blind rage and getting slapped is going to be the highlight of my week.

I highly doubt anyone will remember that Opie smashed a bum's dumpster cake by the time of Jimmy's AMA.

It seems they have already forgot about it.

Reddit: proving time and time again to have a memory somewhere between "goldfish" and "kitten".

I'd say it's more like a dog. They just react emotionally to whatever is going on in that moment, and then move on and forget it instantly when something else comes along.

Could also describe a woman. Woaaaaaaaaaa shit 8)

Redditors should love Jim. They both share a love of hats, gay and transgendered people, are insomniacs, and love the taste of cum.

can't wait to ramone the fuck outta this

I say we all go in there as Chip

Tsss tsss..


Fuckin' right, cocksuckah.

If I don't see a bunch of Chips and Ramones I'm going to be pissed as fuck.

We should all go as different characters.

Tsss what are we gonna dress as potatoes and cut ourselves or sumpthin?

What's that


"Actor" who has trouble knowing what to do with his hands

I think "actor" should have a * next to it

I am waiting for reasoned response. Cause Jimmy lately has been letting cunt-bags off the hook.

Cant wait! Is that before or after Uncle Paul hosts Sesame Street? Im gonna tape it on my vcr machine

get ready for novelty accounts. from Frank the frowner to sprout. this is is gonna be good.

So grodie

Like gag me wit a spoon or sumpin

My mudda always told me "Chippah go make O&A references in your room, lemar is coming over to the fix the floors".

I'm just practicing my material for the ama I'm going to get zooted and make everybody crackup. ¯\(ツ)


I want to hear from Opey he's the cute one. : )


Tss what does lifting weights come wit virus protection Tss double pumps cock sucka

Jimmy's response about the cake smashing from the Rogan podcast

Bonus: Some memories of Patrice

I'm sure he'll be semi hard with a container of coffee and a buttered roll. Looking forward to his new special more than a stupid ama

Yeah in my best uncle Paul voice

Great, more attention whoring from Norton. "Listen to me me me me!"

My mudda always told me "Chippah go make O&A references in your room, lemar is coming over to the fix the floors".

I'm just practicing my material for the ama I'm going to get zooted and make everybody crackup. ¯\(ツ)