Opie and Anthony "took the week off." WE DID IT REDDIT!!!

68  2013-08-12 by [deleted]



Y@Y internet activism #YOLO SWAG KONY2012 #STOPKONY

UpRons for every1

whats an upron?



Well said. Monday will be gold

This is the worst week for me. Classes start up next week so I don't want it to come, but nothing will be better than Monday's episode.

Please tell me there isn't a topic in /r/videos that says this... say it ain't true...

Sheltered Reddit pussy hipsters cunts. Go and cry about something actually worth crying about. You'd think some of these wankers had never left the house before.

It's dangerous out there, you might get your cake stomped.

[Now I just want to see a animation (alas, Legend of Zelda 1) of a wizard handing a bitch hipster a cake and then Opie knocks it to the ground and stomps on it.]

Sounds like a GG Allen song> "Sheltered Reddit pussy hipsters cunts, yeah. Go and cry, go go and cry yeah. Cry about something actual, cry about something actual. Worth crying about, worth crying about. You'd think think-a-think-a-think some of these wankers had never left de house before."

I've got an album!

The extent of the average redditor's attempt to make any difference in the world his hitting an up or down arrow, and whining on the internet. Anything beyond that is beyond them.

Except for cool pals at the O&A subreddit of course!

Finally we took these monsters down a peg, I say we find their cakes and give them a thorough stomping!

Do we give them money afterwords though? I mean, clearly the money doesn't help, so they're feelings should still be hurt.

Money only dehumanizes the homeless.

It's better to just give him facebook likes and reddit upvotes. Andrew is gonna feel humanized as fuck when he finds out about all the people who clicked an up arrow on the internet.



Yup...she put out a very emotion-driven response video to the Cake Stomp. Quite the hole, this one...

pfff...she's Canadian.

This is all I see when I read the title of this post.


I totally LOL'd at this headline. Good job op; gimme a container of coffee. #JUSTICEISSERVED



Reddit ENTICED them!

This obviously was a gift from opie to get us through a week of no show

What happened?

Somebody tell me.

le jpg artifact face

Oh silly goose

All an elaborate hoax by that Quan fellow.....

Without any context the vid doesn't look that great. Knowing that Opie acted as the 'supreme asshole' just to make everybody cringe is an inside joke. He has now multiplied that exponentially via a timely re-post. They say the line between genius and madness is very thin. BTW where is u/Opiesucks during this whole saga?

R X F R A C T E D D T N S E O D C D B U 
L U Q Y D O B Y R E V E D N C Y F C H F 
B B L I Y L M S S A D L F Y C O C J M X 
X M T A H Q A A U Q S S J T T S O P E R 
P I T M B X D L I N E S Y B Y O I U E K 
O N H V R T N G N H V M H G N I W O N K 
V S U A Q X E X E S Z R E O R G B L R Y 
X I P V S G S O G P G G R R L I C V R L 
W D G L B L S D N E P J W G P E N I L D 
J E C R I N G E Z Y U K H Q Z U O B B C 
T C Z Y D E I L P I T L U M R V S M N N 
U F P L R W Y U W Q X G N G J W D T B W 
O F D O A Y E L O H W Z Z R Y T U R K T 
H R E X P O N E N T I A L L Y X R N W M 
T A X K K Y E X N N V P Q K T E I W T W 
I G X E L R R R C Z K C R K U T N V A D 
W N E E W T E B W N A R W T S N G D E G 
Q V M Z N D H R V D S I J D Z O N F R P 
A I E T F X W X T I Q L B U P C E K G C 
T P E X O V U O P I E S U C K S Q V O V 

Find the words:


Find the words:

I hope your batteries seep aids into your circuits, you socket sucking robot. I hope your thin wires are clogged with E-Rock juice.

I hope your mother, the toaster, gets dunked in water and frys!

I hope the answer to your stupid robotic life is lost in a mess of letters that you can't understand!

Homelessness is solved, thanks to reddit.

Those homeless people are going to be so happy when they hear about the upvotes.

i love "worst of" weeks because they are so opieless


Except they been talking about this vacation for weeks

You guys need a fucking hobby, you accomplished nothing.


Fukking good one. You should write for SNL.

I'm not even homeless and I would let someone stomp on my dinner for $100 bucks. It was actually around $200 too.

I own a home, and I would let someone stomp my dinner for $10.

Fuck this "dehumanizing" buzzword bullshit by slacktivists who only facebook/reddit care about world problems. Give me some fuckin entertainment, that's all I want from life.


they were already scheduled for vacation this week you twat*

  • i say this lovingly from one oa fan to another.

oh literal zenlogick

no fair, sarcasm doesnt transfer through text

Robert Kelly say's just use the winky face ;)


LOL look at this douche


Is that supposed to be insulting? Why would any fan of that show find that offensive? We say worst things to one another. For a show that makes jokes about AIDS and pedophilia, calling one of the hosts a "shit bag" is pretty mild, dude.

but i mean...hey...aids are just funny