My Theory On Whether OnA/Staff Read This Reddit

1  2013-08-12 by waytogo17

NOW IT MUST BE OBVIOUS THAT THEY DO. But even previously I am pretty sure they were reading it. I think they just don't want to acknowledge it because it gives them some real audience feedback that is mostly unfiltered. When they admitted back in the day that they read and posted on whackback/the other fan sites it kind of changed the dynamic of those sites and I think they want to leave this untouched because it is great audience research.





Yea, you might be right. I didn't mean audience research like show prep. I thought they would just want to take the pulse of the audience and see what they have been liking about the show or not or just in general what they were feeling. But now that I think about it they might be too lazy to do it that way and just use their twitter accounts as a gauge.