Opie-gate continues. New post in /rage/ ("Sandy Kane Guitar Smash @ The O&A Homeless Talent Show")

0  2013-08-12 by YouAintGotToLieCraig


Now you see, I think the reaction to the cake thing was a little strong. Sure it was a douchebag thing to do, but it was just a cake. This is different though. This is her personal property that will certainly have huge sentimental value. If someone smashed one of my guitars I'd beat them to a pulp with it.

Sure you would!

He later (year or more) stated that he gave her something like $500 to replace the guitar after that show. He mentioned it around the time she sued for her hat.

See, I feel the opposite. I've owned that same kind of guitar they smashed, it was a piece of shit and money can easily replace it.